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Things you want to say and can, probably for a bit of sympathy or attention but theres no one there whos listening.

1 lurker | 57 watchers
Jun 2012
11:07pm, 2 Jun 2012
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I never got into "Life of Pi", but made it through it because it had come highly recommended by a friend, and because I just found it a bit boring, but not actually bad. The one book that springs to mind which I never finished was Tolkien's "Hobbits". I was a kid then, but am still feeling bad about it. :-o

Another unfinished book is one about a travelling Muslim scholar, which sounds far more exciting than it actually turned out to be. I've decided that it's actually non-fiction, so it has joined all the other half-read non-fiction books on my bedside table. My rule is that only fiction has to be finished. :-)
Jun 2012
11:13pm, 2 Jun 2012
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SpAp - No, all books for me, although for some reason you have just reminded me I haven't finished Jack Welch's autobiography from about 9 years ago. Not quite sure why. Should dig it out and give it another go. :-)
Jun 2012
11:18pm, 2 Jun 2012
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I read a lot of academic books on a daily basis, and with them, it's clear that I only read what I'm interested in as I wouldn't possibly have the time to read whole books (neither monographs nor edited volumes). So, I've decided that non-fiction books that have nothing to do with work fall into a grey area in between and don't strictly have to be finished if they bore me. ;-)
Jun 2012
5:15pm, 3 Jun 2012
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Oh good it appears my new neighbour plays the elecrtic guitar badly.
Jun 2012
11:43pm, 3 Jun 2012
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I'll do anything
Jun 2012
3:39pm, 4 Jun 2012
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Why aren't I good enough? Why am I so horrible? Why do you hate me? What did I do wrong? I love you so much. I don't understand why you won't even talk or write to me :-( '-(
Jun 2012
4:50pm, 4 Jun 2012
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I fell off a ladder today. To be precise, I fell through a platform ladder, due to a misapplication of basic physics (the law of levers). Scrapes and contusion on one thigh, the real problem is the opposite shin which took quite a dunt and is probably more painful than my broken arm was. Ideally, I'd be at home on the sofa with my leg up and the customary bag of frozen peas and a beer to hand: I am however at work (which is thankfully quiet) feeling intermittently faint and/or nauseous and sticking my leg up on the desk and holding a cold juice can on it. Bah.
Jun 2012
6:58pm, 4 Jun 2012
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Ouch Dvorak. Surely you should be allowed home??

James if you have been in a close and loving relationship with someone it is not reasonable to just started ignoring them and not explain why. She knows how much she is hurting you yet persists. You really need to try and have some self respect and ditch her for good. It seems that your happiness is wholly governed by whether or not she decides to pay you attention. You're better than that. Don't let her treat you that way.
Jun 2012
7:13pm, 4 Jun 2012
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I love her though :-(
Jun 2012
7:23pm, 4 Jun 2012
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I have no doubt that she has numerous very lovable qualities. But treating you like dirt should overrule all of them.

I do appreciate how much easier it is to say than do and how you can't turn off your feelings. I do think that you need to try and get into the mindset that's over though rather than hanging on for her.

About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
A counter for the things you want to say but can't to save writing "There isn't" in front of everything in the other thread ;-) & sympthay givers don't have to point out they do want to say that ;-) :-)
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