Apr 2012
2:20pm, 28 Apr 2012
796 posts
Ha ha!! Sounds like you had a fun night though!
Apr 2012
4:47pm, 28 Apr 2012
105 posts
Just had a quick look back, James you made me laugh with your drunkeness!
Apr 2012
4:39pm, 30 Apr 2012
2,494 posts
I just wish I could have one day when I don't get soaked on either my cycle to or from work. ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 2012
9:17am, 1 May 2012
1,213 posts
Mark J
I fell off my bike on Saturday, broke both bones in my right arm at the wrist. I have to have an operation tomorrow to plate and pin it and to add to the situation I get married on Friday, have a weekend of celebrations with friends and family planned and supossed to be off on honeymoon next Wednesday. I'm seriously pissed off. Oh and I'm not aloud to run for at least two to three weeks. Bugger.
May 2012
10:02am, 1 May 2012
7,950 posts
runner duck
oh no, markj
May 2012
10:49am, 1 May 2012
17,224 posts
Princess P.B
2nd hospital visit since friday,can they fix my brain please!
May 2012
11:42am, 1 May 2012
7,663 posts
Somebody please chuck me out the door for my long run. I feel tired, CBA and my last long run was crap because I had a massive energy dip and could barely stand upright let alone muster forward momentum, ergo today's will also be crap and that wind is still bloody cold :-s
May 2012
11:45am, 1 May 2012
1,217 posts
Mark J
James get your arse out there on my behalf please. I'm desperate to get out and can't. Now pull yourself together man. Sheesh.
May 2012
11:47am, 1 May 2012
11,635 posts
After being completely floored by a stomach bug the week before last, I was starting to feel better, if a bit tired, then was (extremely) sick and nearly passed out again last night and still feel fairly crappy today
Where has my normally perfect health gone lately?
May 2012
11:58am, 1 May 2012
2,495 posts
Oh no Mark what a nightmare!
I've been having such a bad day. Tyre went flat a couple of miles from home. Tried putting some air in and heard it hissing out straight away. Found a big slit in the tyre. I didn't feel confident that even if I changed the inner tube it wouldn't just immediately puncture again due to big hole. Jogged the couple of miles back home with my bike and swapped to my hybrid then cycled the 8 miles to work on that. All in the torrential pissing rain.