Dec 2011
9:44am, 9 Dec 2011
46,306 posts
My cup of tea has JUST gone past that perfect temperature where you can drink it all down and it's ALMOST too hot, but actually just right. Now it's the wrong side of that and I'm disappointed.
Dec 2011
9:50am, 9 Dec 2011
1,970 posts
I hate it when that happens, Pudds
Dec 2011
9:51am, 9 Dec 2011
667 posts
Cat the Christmas Dog
The tip of my big toe is a wee bit sore, and I have no idea why
Dec 2011
9:51am, 9 Dec 2011
46,307 posts
It can make or break a cup of tea experience *nods*
Dec 2011
10:00am, 9 Dec 2011
11,220 posts
I'm with you on the tea, Pudds. See, genuine outpouring of sympathy going on here!
I feel like I've already done my fair share of work this week and today's WFH should be more of a rest day.
Dec 2011
10:06am, 9 Dec 2011
1,732 posts
You're right Pudds.
One of the worst things that can happen to you is when you take a big mouthful of tea expecting it to be hot and it's tepid. Bleugh.
Dec 2011
10:07am, 9 Dec 2011
8,066 posts
Jason1969 ladies dancing
It's up there with wanting one more swig of tea, but it's already all gone.
Dec 2011
10:15am, 9 Dec 2011
175 posts
I have just experienced what OysterGrinch posted above. I am deeply unhappy.
Dec 2011
10:20am, 9 Dec 2011
4,208 posts
my builders were supposed to be here in September to build me a new roof but they turned up last week and started stripping the roof off.... which they seem to be able to do whatever the weather but putting it back on again if it just a bit 'inclement' is against health and safety. i'm worried.... winter is a bit dodgy here at the best of times but if they dont htfu and get on with it... well... and its snowing again... ppffft
Dec 2011
10:26am, 9 Dec 2011
5,440 posts
Stander Claus
So I'm off work looking after our son whilst wife is hospital and I'm still expected to produce numbers to an impossible deadline from home when my working day in now cut down to the time when son is at school and when I'm not having to do the housework / shop / visit hospital / million and other one things