Mar 2012
11:59am, 30 Mar 2012
19,938 posts
I don't post on it any more because I decided it was getting nasty, with folk taking thinly-veiled pops at other Fetchies, and I was posting stuff myself that people here could easily have taken personally even though it wasn't primarily about them because there are people on Fetch for whom *everything* is about them ... oops, see what I mean?
Besides, my patients deserve better than to be used as entertainment for randoms on an internet site. Well, apart from ... [shoves tablecloth in gob].
Mar 2012
12:07pm, 30 Mar 2012
4,305 posts
creeps up behind V and tweeks table cloth... actually i think you are right
Mar 2012
12:08pm, 30 Mar 2012
13,533 posts
My chest is peeling. rather than appealing.
Mar 2012
12:18pm, 30 Mar 2012
5,982 posts
Mrs Winkle
I'm hungry. I want cake. And some chips. I am turning into a junk food monster. Soon, I will shop in Iceland and eat out at McDonalds and KFC.
Mar 2012
12:26pm, 30 Mar 2012
474 posts
I'm off work today and my wife has left me a list of jobs to do, WTF?
Mar 2012
12:51pm, 30 Mar 2012
7,691 posts
runner duck
well, you wouldn't want to enjoy yourself, would you?
some of the stuff on the 'other' thread is making me uncomfortable. i thought part of the point was that it was things you couldn't say to someone so to say it where that someone can read it defeats the object. i never thought of anyone misinterpreting my posts on there (not that there have been many) being about them. hope no-one ever did (unless it was one of my children or my mother - then one of them would have been right ;))
Mar 2012
1:07pm, 30 Mar 2012
702 posts
wiener dog
My run was awful today I have two sore knees, lower backache, general lethargy and feel like a great big fat heffer - I think I have PMT
Mar 2012
1:27pm, 30 Mar 2012
51 posts
still running
I'm doing a marathon in 2 weeks and have made a huge mistake buying my new 'marathon' trainers late and half a size bigger than I normally wear. I've been running for 10 why oh why oh why did I think now was the time to experiment?! I cannot think straight. I am an idiot.
Mar 2012
2:34pm, 30 Mar 2012
19,943 posts
Someone has moved the squirty dispenser of alcohol hand-rub from out of sight to beside my sink.
I accidentally used it when I was washing one of the bits of me that merits a wash after a run on a warm day.
The reason I keep the alcohol hand-rub out of sight is that I'm allergic to it.
Mar 2012
8:47pm, 30 Mar 2012
3,560 posts
This tapering lark is bad for you. I'm still ravenous all the time but not running quite enough to burn off the calories. I suppose I could do with carrying a little more weight...