Jul 2013
6:47pm, 12 Jul 2013
11,145 posts
runner duck
you have to make sure the shorts are suitable roomy.
or if they are short tight shorts that the legs are long enough.
my favourite pair are some aerobics shorts i bought about 12 years ago!
Jul 2013
6:48pm, 12 Jul 2013
11,146 posts
runner duck
have a 'y' and i'll take that 'e' back.
Jul 2013
7:18pm, 12 Jul 2013
731 posts
My thighs are too wobbly to do well in shorts
I'm sulking because I now have to carry an epipen everywhere I go. It's not light and doesn't sit in running kit pockets very well because it bounces up and down. So I have to use a pocket on a belt/bumbag and I really, really hate wearing them.
Jul 2013
7:33pm, 12 Jul 2013
7,253 posts
Sorry to hear that, Carpathius
After working in the garden with my top off, I just felt tired and flopped onto the grass. In the sun. I fear I may be a little overdone, but I'm putting off checking.
Jul 2013
7:34pm, 12 Jul 2013
1,986 posts
try a Spibelt Carp, a friend carries one around in hers all the time, not just when running.
I have had enough of this cold now. I want to sleep through the night without waking up coughing
Jul 2013
10:19pm, 12 Jul 2013
732 posts
Thanks for the tip Rosehip, will check that out. Hope the cold buggers off soon.
Jul 2013
5:33am, 15 Jul 2013
9,121 posts
I really miss you
Jul 2013
9:24pm, 15 Jul 2013
82 posts
Yes I know I could've done with a day off work today, but I can't trust the lot of you put together to pick up my work. You all did such a fabulous job the last time I happened to be off work, so much so that I had to do lots of OT to catch up.....grrr
Jul 2013
1:21am, 19 Jul 2013
9,125 posts
Why does it still hurt so much? Why do you hate me? What did I do wrong?
Jul 2013
1:31am, 19 Jul 2013
9,126 posts
What did I do wrong? Please someone tell me what I did wrong. I don't understand what I did wrong. I can't undo it, can't make it better if no one will tell me what I did wrong '-(
It won't stop hurting