The Friends of Mick n Phil Half Marathon

8 lurkers | 39 watchers
Feb 2008
9:43am, 7 Feb 2008
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AB - it's a good point - there are a variety of systems out there that we could use - any chance you could do a bit of nosing round / pricing up?

I was thinking about course measurement, and perhaps if we ran complete laps of wherever-it-is, we might not end up with a half marathon, or a "pop" distance, but it might turn it into something that was about enjoying running, rather than lots of folks aiming for a PB. Thoughts?

Bigleggy - it's a thought, for sure. I think that's one for Mick and Phil to answer as they'd know their local races better than any of us. It might also be more complicated to sort out sponsorship and donations to MnP or a charity of their choosing if we have to go through an existing race.
Feb 2008
9:49am, 7 Feb 2008
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That might be the way to go Fetch - a half might put too much pressure on some who haven't trained for it (or are complete newbies), but multiple laps reflecting ability would include all. :-)
Feb 2008
9:50am, 7 Feb 2008
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.... as in 26 laps may be a piece of cake for one, but one lap may be a massive achievement for another :-)
Feb 2008
9:51am, 7 Feb 2008
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2 Flat Feet
From Mick and Phil's house to Fetch Towers?
Feb 2008
9:54am, 7 Feb 2008
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Yup Tarange - go for it :-)
Feb 2008
10:05am, 7 Feb 2008
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Yep Tarange, Gaydon is just off J12 of the M40.
Feb 2008
10:20am, 7 Feb 2008
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I've just heard back from Donington Park about their track. They say:

"We don't hire by the half day I'm afraid, a full day circuit hire will cost £11,000 + £2,500 for mandatory services (medics, marshals etc) peak season or £6,500 + services End Oct - Feb. Another option is for you to hire the track for evening usage which is 17:30 - 20:30 during the summer months and costs £4k inc services."

13.5K sounds a lot (£27 per runner if we get 500), but 4k sounds reasonable (£8 per runner if we get 500).

Anyway... just an option - waiting on more responses...
Feb 2008
10:29am, 7 Feb 2008
2,178 posts
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I've created an article here:

to capture who's doing what.
Feb 2008
10:31am, 7 Feb 2008
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what about preswold race track, did a 10km there, might be a bit boring for a marathon but nice and flat
Feb 2008
10:40am, 7 Feb 2008
24 posts
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I will look into chip timing costs, unless someone else has experience here? Budget of 500 runners for now is it?

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