May 2008
3:05pm, 28 May 2008
1,753 posts
Sensible questions JJF
I dont know the answrs. I suspect that no, we dont need formal charitable status as many churches/voluntary organisations dont have formal charitable status, you can have charitable aims without formal charity registration. Sure someone on here will know better than me over that lot tho
I think the first things that probably need to happen to move things forward (apologies if any have been sorted..!)
- decision regarding a date ASAP - whilst accepting that everything will clash with something, but to try and maximise number of those who are involveds ability to attend and to take account of availability of other people/groups/organisations/venue that we need
- decision re. location
- decision re. race type/distance - how practical will it honestly be to have 100miles, marathon, HM, 10k all going on at the same time? Would it be better to pick one distance this year and see how it goes, then look at possibly adding to that if the exercise was repeated in future? (much as it would be nice to have a range of events to allow more people to be able to participate)
- investigation re. insurance etc. Without insurance, I am guessing that in this day and age, this will be able to move no-where. Would AUK or someone be able ot offer advice on that?
May 2008
3:25pm, 28 May 2008
32 posts
To throw in my tuppence worth, as a previous event organiser (not running, but other sports) I would recommend keeping things as simple as possible to begin with. I would suggest that unless you have a few people working together who are experienced in race organisation that it may be easier to have just the one distance to work with. That way you are organising all entrants to arrive, start and finish within a very predictable time. You have one set of rules to work with and less chance for people to ask you lots of stupid questions (the more choice people have the more stupid they get - it's a good rule to manage your life with!!).
Also - I don't think you're going to have a problem 'selling' the race if you remove the options - in this case, the distance I think will be less of a selling point than the reasoning behind organising the race (I'm not a serious runner though - it may be different for those with training/race plans?) and so having just the one distance shouldn't been seen as a setback. And, having now given my opinion, I probably should offer my assistance too - I'm happy to try and help where possible.
May 2008
1:01pm, 30 May 2008
77 posts
JJ Flash
Ok, back from trip away. Thanks for the comments. My work has a charitable offshoot, I will try to get some help from them in the form of guidance over the next couple of weeks. I will contact roger Wilkes from Kenilworth runners over weekend for further guidance and then put together a key task list to make this happen. Also mailing sir Fetch to see if the organisation can be involved.
Jun 2008
8:39pm, 2 Jun 2008
1,619 posts
I've neither the time nor the inclination to read through 46 pages of posts. But I'm guessing that the 'core' aims of this initiative are:-
(a) To come together in friendship to 'celebrate' Mick and Phil's achievements; and (b) To raise some cash to make Mick and Phil's life ever so slightly easier.
Do these aims require a brand new event, organised from scratch by possible inexperienced (although tremendously motivated and very well intentioned) Fetchies ?
Why not simply 'nominate' an existing race (avoiding perhaps any that is charity-linked like my local NSPCC Half) and make this the coming together/fund raising event?
After all, don't some societies etc do just this for their 'club' championships?
There could perhaps still be a separate medal - over and beyond any offered by the race organisers - for "Mick and Phil" entrants (I think that Great Ormond Street do this with the London Marathon)?
Jun 2008
9:01pm, 2 Jun 2008
16,417 posts
I've already completed most of the design for the bleeding medal so there is going to be one!
Jun 2008
9:12pm, 2 Jun 2008
62 posts
runner duck
lol max!
Jun 2008
9:20pm, 2 Jun 2008
6,495 posts
Just read I've been volunteered to do the photos (LOL)....depending on where it is (South East?) I'm sure the Ant Bliss team (myself included) will cover the event.
Jun 2008
9:24pm, 2 Jun 2008
65 posts
runner duck
there's nothing like being volunteered
Jun 2008
9:42pm, 2 Jun 2008
3,353 posts
Marathon Lads
Phillip is in respite now-
Mick and Mrs Mick are going away on Wednesday 4 June early - and return on Monday 16 June pm
just to let you know if you wonder where i am and not responding etc !!
We THANK YOU all for your kind support to us !!
Jun 2008
9:42pm, 2 Jun 2008
67 posts
runner duck
hope you and mrs mick have a lovely break