Apr 2012
3:43pm, 13 Apr 2012
65 posts
PS: I just noticed that you are also on the sub 4h marathon thread. Aiming for it in Edinburgh or in London? Good luck with that, with your training you should smash the 4h barrier.
Apr 2012
7:50pm, 14 Apr 2012
3,749 posts
I'll do it in London and then see how my legs are for Edinburgh. I'm aiming for 3:30 in Amsterdam.
You could try an out and back somewhere reasonably level. A towpath is good. I find the track horrible on my own or in small groups. I go much better when there are lots of us egging each other on.
Apr 2012
11:49am, 24 Apr 2012
72 posts
Well done on your VLM run. 16 min improvement on your PB! How are your legs? I wish you all the best for the Edinburgh marathon, you'll smash the 4 h there.
Apr 2012
10:38pm, 24 Apr 2012
3,879 posts
My legs are remarkably fine, thank you. I have a slightly sore left hip and my right achilles is tighter than an Aberdonian in a flea market but I've had a massage and after a week of swimming and gentle cycling, I reckon I'll be right as rain.
Apr 2012
10:39pm, 24 Apr 2012
3,880 posts
Oh, and where are my manners? Thank you. You're very kind.
Apr 2012
10:55pm, 24 Apr 2012
7,903 posts
runner duck
Hellur! Nice pb richhl after illness induced pantsness of running since last summer I'm endeavouring to get back on the quest for sub50 10k (hopefully followed by a sub4 marathon next spring, but that's for another thead!)
haven't actually picked a 10k yet. Looking at aug/sept. Any suggestions welcome. South of England for preference
Apr 2012
12:21am, 25 Apr 2012
13,418 posts
Hey rich well done
runnerduck i could name a few but think South Essex might be a bit too South for youlooking at theraces you've done Theres Leigh on sea 10k in Sept If you can hang on to Oct theres Southend or Nov Billericay and Chelmsford not what you asked probably
Apr 2012
7:58am, 25 Apr 2012
7,907 posts
runner duck
if they are flat-ish it might be worth the journey. they only autumn ones i seem to be able to find (confession: i haven't spent that long looking yet) in my neck of the woods are off-road and somewhat undulating. don't mind a bit of up and down but if i'm going to get sub 50 i'm going to need everything on my side!
Apr 2012
9:54am, 25 Apr 2012
3,885 posts
There's Huntingdon but that's in June, probably too early for you. You could do it just to see how much you have to do.
Apr 2012
11:31am, 25 Apr 2012
13,420 posts
Southend is Flat (usually first sun in Oct) crowded start but usually easy 2 run after the first k or so tis my pb course. Billericay in Nov has undulations a hill at the start but is remarkably a uick course. I've not done the other 2 i've mentioned