Apr 2012
9:39pm, 9 Apr 2012
13,333 posts
Damn i lost a post just took me to the google home page
What did i say
Rich sounds a mindblowing session there.
But looking at your times for the mile and 5km looks like your 10km is set for improvement.
But i have to ask in the words of Jack Daniels. regarding your session. What is the purpose of the workout?
Apr 2012
9:47pm, 9 Apr 2012
5,192 posts
Erm Rich don't you have That Marathon to run? Doesn't look much like a taper to me. If you are doing that 10K this weekend wouldn't it be better to ease round to a small PB of 49 or such?
Apr 2012
10:43pm, 9 Apr 2012
3,693 posts
The session has two purposes. Primarily, it's intended to improve my endurance with a secondary purpose of boosting my confidence. I know that on a flat course, I'd easily hit 45:00 for a 10k. My 10k races have been on undulating or hilly courses.
I'm going to cruise round Cambourne on Sunday much more gently than the pace Boss has given me for the session. I wouldn't run it at all this close to VLM but it's the first race I ran a year ago and I want to celebrate that anniversary by running with my friends. I'll get a small PB and be happy with it and take that positive feeling into the last week of my VLM taper.
Apr 2012
4:55pm, 10 Apr 2012
61 posts
Night-owl, the 5k was flat like a pancake, that's why I'm a bit worried about the hill. It was an Easter Dash on the promenade of Llandudno, so virtually no height gain at all and even the wind was not too bad. The location is notorious for its windiness; I nearly got blown off the course in the Llandudno 10 mile race last year, including a nice full body exfoliating procedure thanks to the sand blasting from the Western shore. :-D
RichHL, thanks for the training hint, I might try that but with slower times (45-46 min *yikes*), possibly at my HM pace.
Apr 2012
5:17pm, 10 Apr 2012
3,698 posts
I'm told the 10 minute recovery time should be enough to get your heart rate completely back to base level and you should have enough in the tank to do the second rep more quickly than the first.
That's what I'm told.
Apr 2012
11:13pm, 10 Apr 2012
62 posts
Ok, I'll give it a go on Thursday.
Apr 2012
11:18pm, 10 Apr 2012
3,706 posts
Instead of doing 2 x 10k which is my final serious marathon training session, try 2 x 5k with a 10 minute recovery. Get as close to your 5k pace as you can. The second rep should be slightly quicker than the first. You'll need a thorough warm up before and cool down with stretches after it.
Apr 2012
11:56pm, 10 Apr 2012
63 posts
Thanks. I'll do the 2x5k then and keep the 2x10k for a later stage of my marathon training. I'd go for 24 min each, possibly just a tad faster.
Wow, I just noticed that you are going to do a double package of marathons this month. Respect! My primary goal is a sub 4h marathon on 19 May and the 10k race is 10 days before that. I'd take it as my final serious speed workout and hope for a sub 50 PB. The athletic track is over 2 miles away from me, I guess that counts as a thorough warm up jog and also as a nice cool down afterwards.
Apr 2012
8:15pm, 11 Apr 2012
3,710 posts
Good luck with your races.
Apr 2012
3:40pm, 13 Apr 2012
64 posts
Thanks. I tried to do the 2x5k yesterday and I messed up the first one - ran 11.5 laps instead of the 12.5. I may have been distracted by the kids on the long jump lane next to the track or I'm just not good at doing maths when running fast. The time elapsed should have told me that I still had to run another one. I slowed down a little for the 2. 5k and made sure I counted correctly this time. Both attempts were still a lot slower than my 5k PB. I clocked 22:29 for the 4.6 (would put me to around 24:25 for the 5k) and 25:27 for the 2. 5k. I don't know, I just can't run at the same pace as I would in a race or is it the track? I found it quite depressing running lap after lap. I think, psychologically, I need to 'get somewhere' and on the track you're getting nowhere. After the session I tried an icebath for the first time. Ouchy! but my legs were quite grateful for it.