Mar 2012
1:57pm, 18 Mar 2012
548 posts
After breaking the 50 minute barrier (by all of three seconds!) last year, managed to get under it again today at the Exbury Gardens 10k
Mar 2012
2:40pm, 18 Mar 2012
525 posts
Well done HB!
Mar 2012
9:21pm, 18 Mar 2012
3,464 posts
Good effort, Herman.
Mar 2012
9:21pm, 19 Mar 2012
10,919 posts
Well done HermanB
Right, I've decided to target sub-50 for my next 10k in June (which will also be my first 10k since last June). Not sure I can actually get below 50 but I should be able to get a good bit closer to it than I presently am, with any luck...
Any tips welcome
Mar 2012
9:26am, 20 Mar 2012
552 posts
Probably not as important as speed training etc etc, but the two times I have gone under 50 minutes, they were Sunday races and I had three days off beforehand (last run on the Wednesday evening, gentle 5k).
Every other 10k I've done, I ran on the Thursday/Friday or Saturday, and I've been over 50 minutes. Different for everyone of course, but for me, those three days seem to be ideal to make sure I can keep my race pace up for the full race.
Mar 2012
9:52am, 20 Mar 2012
704 posts
Sheri - I'm hoping to go sub-50 at Woodhall Spa 10k on 10th June. I've got a 10k this Sunday, but I hurt my hip flexor a few weeks ago, and I'm only just starting to run again so won't be pushing it. Watching this with interest.
Mar 2012
11:04am, 20 Mar 2012
10,930 posts
I think you're right HB, my best races - even the shorter ones - have definitely been when I have fresh legs and am well rested over a few days
Zeb - my target 10k is on 12 June (a Tuesday!) so we will be close together... we can compare training notes on here
I don't think sub-50 is probably realistic for me (though you never know) but I will be certainly aiming to get as close to it as possible.
Mar 2012
5:18pm, 23 Mar 2012
11,113 posts
Just for fun, I've been fiddling about with race time predictors (well, we all have our different ideas of fun, right?) and they vary, obviously, but the rough consensus seems to be that a 24 minute (or thereabouts) 5k would potentially predict a sub-50 10k. My current 5k PB is 24:45, though I think I can get that down with a bit of effort. It's a useful indicator of progress since I can do a parkrun most weeks...
Mar 2012
5:20pm, 23 Mar 2012
11,114 posts
(Except for the one here on Fetch, which suggests a 22:59 5k time for a 50 minute 10k...)
Mar 2012
10:04pm, 23 Mar 2012
13,240 posts
They vary sheri and it depends on the runner too whether you are more endurance or speed based. If its any consolation when i got my one and only sub 50 on a flat course my 5k pb was 24:34 i ran 49:51 for the 10km