Nov 2011
12:05am, 23 Nov 2011
1,304 posts
I agree with Dvorak about your 5k pace - my 5km pb is 22:43, but my 10km pb is 47:28 and my half is 1:47:21.
And yes, you probably shouldn't be doing much more than a recovery run in the week in between.
Nov 2011
1:11am, 23 Nov 2011
20 posts
Thanks, Sprouty, Dvorak - appreciate it. I've been trying to lose a fair bit of weight, so suspect my previous PBs have some comfort in them! My plan is to start right at back of field. You get more space there, and it's a nice atmosphere- plus having been a 2.25 half-marathoner, it's where I usually start!
I think taking a relatively conservative approach to the half seems right- then if all goes well, can try to really pound the 10 k- I definitely won't be doing much inbetween!
Nov 2011
1:24am, 28 Nov 2011
21 posts
Well stage 1 went well - PBed the half, despite big winds. 1h 51m 52 sec.
That was a PB by over 6 minutes, and a whopping 25 minutes faster than the last half I did before losing weight! Apparently carrying an 4 stone less around makes running easier...
Felt relatively fresh thoughout, though was forcing myself to run easy and not blow up.Was actually bervous I was going too fast, but decided to trust my HRM. Pleasingly for the 10k, was able to do the last 6k at sub 5min/k, and not feel dreadful at the end. Legs don't feel too bad. Easy week coming up! Thanks all for advice....
Nov 2011
8:55am, 28 Nov 2011
1,310 posts
No worries Hopisen, and congrats on part 1! Let us know how part 2 goes on Sunday!
Nov 2011
10:05am, 28 Nov 2011
3,431 posts
Nice running hopisen.
Nov 2011
10:17am, 28 Nov 2011
54,700 posts
I'm putting my sub-50 10k attempt on hold until next Summer, for to concentrate on a sub-2 half. Prepare to see an old thread bouncing...
Nov 2011
12:30pm, 28 Nov 2011
4,818 posts
Well done Hopisen . Looking at the training log data (pace and HR) and that was a well controlled run and they way you could step it up and sustain it in the last quarter is a credit to your pacing and training.
Bet placed for the second part of the double
See you on the other thread Grep, sub-2 I think has gone to "re-achievement" status for me as well...
Nov 2011
12:35pm, 28 Nov 2011
54,719 posts
Indeed. Wonder whether there should be a sub-200m (3h20) 20 mile thread?
Nov 2011
12:36pm, 28 Nov 2011
25,872 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Nov 2011
8:38pm, 28 Nov 2011
2,568 posts
Well done, Hopisen. Now you can throw the kitchen sink at your 10k attempt.