Oct 2011
9:32pm, 29 Oct 2011
4,685 posts
Yes, possible. My 10K PB (2 weeks after a HM) is 48:39 and my 5K PB (set shortly after) is 24:16 (both on flat courses in good conditions). So given your 5K time I would say that you are well on course already. Very similar to what RichHL said; I would add to make sure you have at least a couple of good distance long slow runs (near or even over distance) before the half to ensure the legs hold up over the last three miles of that.
Oct 2011
1:24am, 30 Oct 2011
16 posts
Rich, Dvorak,
thanks for tips. What I might do for the half, aim for say 1hr for first 10k, and push a bit in last 11.1k if i feel fresh, turning it into a hard progressive run (is that the right term?). that way I'll have an incentive to push in 1/2mara if I feel good, but no disaster if things feel tough.
Then I can have very easy week before the 10km. I've also got plan for 2 18k LSRs in next three weeks, and three more parkruns to push race pace bit further. and a couple of hills sessions for leg strength.
Nov 2011
6:08pm, 2 Nov 2011
17 posts
Quick update - did a 6k treadmill run in 29min10s feeling reasonably comfortable. That's around the 5min/k I need (though on a treadmill, so not exact)- should I try to extend run at that pace to c8k, or try to do c7min/mile long intervals?
Nov 2011
9:42pm, 2 Nov 2011
2,243 posts
I'd do the intervals but then I'd rather eat my own face than spend time on a treadmill.
Nov 2011
6:38am, 3 Nov 2011
53,970 posts
Good call Rich.
Nov 2011
10:53am, 3 Nov 2011
18 posts
thanks, will put them in the programme. Though sadly for me, they'll be on a treadmll too. Schedule means only time I can run in week is in work hours, which makes it difficult to do intervals/race pace because where I am is rammed with people/traffic/obstructions. On the other hand, it's perfectl for recovery runs/fartleks, so I can't complain!
Nov 2011
11:25am, 3 Nov 2011
4,705 posts
I'd say the intervals as well. Don't mind the treadmill (in fairly small doses) especially when the weather is howlin. Tend to use it in a progressive/ pyramid kind of way rather than just a steady run.
Nov 2011
8:00pm, 3 Nov 2011
2,253 posts
I can only go for about 15 minutes on a treadmill. I've only gone for longer than that once. I lose the will to live after a quarter of an hour.
Nov 2011
2:15pm, 6 Nov 2011
7,377 posts
Just back from the Strathaven 10K. Watch time shows 49:24. Strathaven times are a bit distorted cause of the net downnhill but I think I mighty also benefit from not really being able to run to pace because of the undulating nature of the course. Anyway, a good solid improvement on 2 years ago and my first ever sub 50 10K. That's this year sorted
Nov 2011
2:48pm, 6 Nov 2011
3,196 posts
Well done FitterStu, sub 50 wooop woooop