Dec 2015
3:41pm, 30 Dec 2015
2,095 posts
Merry Little Cyclops
I loved all my presents! I look forward to the tins of vaseline (for my poor beleaguered running feet) and random shower and moisturising stuff - it gets me through about half a year
Dec 2015
3:44pm, 30 Dec 2015
10,181 posts
Boss deodorant spray, not too bad you say
I have an allergy to aluminium in deodorants so send me into a huge rash. My mother should know this!!!
Dec 2015
4:01pm, 30 Dec 2015
5,259 posts
Chritmas Carol
Why do they do it FML?
My sister's colour- changing wine glass (WTAF!)'gift' to OH has been openly regifted to DD1 who grinning has threatened to pass it on further !!
Sister has excelled herself this year with tat, although DS1 is very happy with his (was supposed to be my) man-sized dog bowl as previously mentioned.
Dec 2015
4:04pm, 30 Dec 2015
25,641 posts
Fleecings of Comfort and Joy
I haven't opened stuff yet from my ILs. I'm only opening them for the sake of this thread, otherwise it would be straight to the charity shop without even bothering to open them, so dire are my experiences
Dec 2015
4:08pm, 30 Dec 2015
68,457 posts
Oh Fleecy, go on, tell us?
Dec 2015
4:17pm, 30 Dec 2015
25,643 posts
Fleecings of Comfort and Joy
I'm not home yet!
Dec 2015
4:25pm, 30 Dec 2015
1,768 posts
Do you have a hypothesis as to why the presents are so unsuitable Fleecy?
Dec 2015
4:31pm, 30 Dec 2015
20,594 posts
Those T-shirts FreshStart linked to are really nice. I'm going to end up buying something from there tonight.
Dec 2015
4:32pm, 30 Dec 2015
25,644 posts
Fleecings of Comfort and Joy
It might be because I have never once got a single thing from any of dh's family which I haven't wanted to throw out the window So it's a tiny hunch that these might be a bit shit too. A folding hat from MIL 2 years ago was a particular nadir, along with expired food
Dec 2015
4:38pm, 30 Dec 2015
626 posts
My friend's MIL gives her pants. Every year. This year she apparently said 'I know what kind you like, because I see all your washing'.
Friend didn't know/ doesn't know why her MIL sees all of her washing