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Rubbish Xmas Presents (and ungrateful) thread 2015

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Dec 2015
5:18pm, 27 Dec 2015
2,447 posts
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I only had a couple of duff presents this year (probably because I asked for money and gift vouchers).

Both duff presents were sets of smellies. I've made a note of who bought them and will either regift them next Christmas or will drop them off at the local charity shop.

My favourite present was this t-shirt offgridclothing.co.uk
Dec 2015
5:33pm, 27 Dec 2015
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Lesley C
That's a nice t-shirt :-)
Dec 2015
5:41pm, 27 Dec 2015
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That is a nice t-shirt :-)
Dec 2015
9:18pm, 27 Dec 2015
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it is actually 300m of clingfilm. It will at least get used up. Eventually.
Dec 2015
1:51am, 29 Dec 2015
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Cling film whilst rubbish as a present is at least useful and won't go to waste
I also got some ferrerro rochers; not too find of them but am sure I will find someone who likes them
Dec 2015
1:56pm, 30 Dec 2015
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Not sure they count as presents, but I was given a game of Tiddelywinks plus a plastic torch which doubles as a whistle, both were Secret Santa "presents". At least the tiddlywinks can go on eBay.
Dec 2015
2:32pm, 30 Dec 2015
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TRO Saracen
I got a heap of rubbish so shit that I can't even remember a particular item. It really is a very odd activity. We could have had the most spectacular and memorable meal out together if we had used the money for that otherwise wasted on the unwanted tatt we bought each other.

I did suggest we do exactly that, sadly shot down.
Dec 2015
3:22pm, 30 Dec 2015
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I am in Fellrunners camp and don't do much about Xmas. Partner and I exchanged gifts... I got a new smartphone, which I desperately needed as the old phone died, but could not afford to replace. As I am skint, I had a map of the Black Mountains and Brecon Beacons made, for his cycling and hang gliding and got him a book.

I was given a high tea voucher by one of my clients, very thoughtful. She knows I am skint, a real treat! So no duff presents for me. I hate the idea of wasting money on such things for the sake of it. Much better to spend it on a quality dinner together. The stress of my partner having to buy his siblings, their partners and offspring and parents stuff was agony...
Dec 2015
3:32pm, 30 Dec 2015
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My husband and two kids were given really nice fox mugs with little jumpers, each. I was re-gifted (and she told me it was from a client, so she didn't want it) a random mug. That was from one of my sisters!
To be fair she did also give us all some money and I also got a fox draught excluder (!) but to be told it was a re-gifted mug was a bit meh! Oh and my aunt gave everyone £15 but me £14! That made me laugh, but at least it's useful and she's been mad-busy. :'-)
Dec 2015
3:36pm, 30 Dec 2015
20,360 posts
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My mum feels the need to ensure we have a pile of presents like we are still small children. This usually results in a load of tat we don't want/need. I would far rather she got me one decent present I actually want than lots of little things I don't. She also does not seem to know me very well so buys things like handbags or jewellery which are way off the mark. That said this year she did really pretty well. The only one I have any complaints about is the baby pink bobble hat. Anyone who knows me could tell you baby pink is not my colour.

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Maintained by BigChiefRunningBore
List your most rubbish present 2015 . If it was rubbish and obviously re-gifted score double points.
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