May 2014
3:29pm, 6 May 2014
15,490 posts
oh no, D! You may as well keep it up though
May 2014
3:31pm, 6 May 2014
2,109 posts
Delete that last post and nobody will ever know
May 2014
3:39pm, 6 May 2014
17,170 posts
No no no D. Anyone got a time machine
May 2014
3:59pm, 6 May 2014
5,809 posts
Commiserations, D. Know exactly how you feel.
May 2014
4:37pm, 6 May 2014
11,086 posts
It kind of proves that it takes more than 21 days to make a habit. Commiserations Dio
May 2014
5:16pm, 6 May 2014
7,677 posts
Bad luck Dio I'm terrified* that I will forget one of these days.
*may be a slight exaggeration. I still don't believe I'll keep it up for a whole year though.
May 2014
5:23pm, 6 May 2014
5,362 posts
Yeah, bad luck Dio.
I suspect I might forget one of these days 'because' rather than 'in spite of' often writing more than one blog a day. There's a great temptation to post a long blog as soon as you've finished it. If it's lateish and it's the second one I would be much better off waiting.
I'm actually not that happy about getting obsessive about it - hence my alternate challenge.
IS it a bit sad to go on holiday and still be intent on blogging? What do the blogadaws think?
May 2014
5:23pm, 6 May 2014
11,575 posts
Oh dear Dio
I've had a couple of evenings where I almost haven't bothered
May 2014
5:23pm, 6 May 2014
5,363 posts
Or is it kind of extra holiday fun - finding internet caffs and gaffs?
May 2014
5:25pm, 6 May 2014
5,393 posts
I did my scottish holiday ones by running a mile down to the cafe with wifi every day