old garmin activities

3 watchers
Jun 2020
2:30pm, 8 Jun 2020
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Jun 2020
2:48pm, 8 Jun 2020
11,217 posts
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Blimey, my file is a monster - 192mb.

Along with lots of CSV files documenting clubs, connecteda apps, followers, preferences etc etc there are folders for activites, clubs, photos and routes.

In the activities folder there are multiple file types with files as they were originally uplooaded I think. So my early strava history are .gpx fies, then I used a TomTom watch and that uploaded via tcx files, and most recently they are .fit files.

However, all are appended .gz in addition to their main suffic (e.g. 280123123.fit.gz, 123181247.tcx.gx, 23482347.gpx.gz

On trying to open those files, they are binaries I believe (even the tcx and gpx files) so I suspect they are gzipped too. I tested a few with an online .gz unarchiver and that worked to convert them to text files.

Happy to share a few files if you want (or the whole archive!)

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Maintained by Hu8ery
sorry if this has been asked before as im a newbie on this site. I have received my zip file with al...

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