Aug 2020
10:44am, 18 Aug 2020
437 posts
I thought the charities are keeping their places they had paid for, but spread out over the three years so that some new charities can get a look in as well during that time. Don't think the GFA places are being put up for charities?
The GFA places being cancelled would only be between 2-3000 anyway though, so not much of an impact on the total charity places each year.
Aug 2020
10:47am, 18 Aug 2020
17,260 posts
If I was affected I would be frustrated as I am on an 11 year streak for VLM and it would be annoying to break that. I have entered the virtual so I keep the streak going and hope my times are still GFA for 2021 but know I probably need to renew GFA for 2022
Aug 2020
10:48am, 18 Aug 2020
11,723 posts
Enough to make a difference to some though. They are being mega flexible with the charities so I would expect any freed up places to be found homes with charities that want them first of call.
Aug 2020
11:19am, 18 Aug 2020
3,143 posts
Little Miss Happy
It would be interested to know how many of the GFA places are affected by having 2018 times - a bit worrying that it sounds as though they are going to change the criteria for them again too.
I really don't like all this talk of cheating - yes there are always low life who will try but do we really think that many GFA standard runners do/would? And that there are that many faster runners who would be willing to help them do so? Rather cheapens the whole achievement.
Aug 2020
11:30am, 18 Aug 2020
17,262 posts
I can’t remember what I used as my qualifying time. I suspect it was London 2019. I don’t think I ran a qualifier in 2018. Certainly not at London.
Aug 2020
11:37am, 18 Aug 2020
11,724 posts
I'm sure some will cheat. But I seriously doubt the numbers that will do will be significant.
Aug 2020
11:41am, 18 Aug 2020
4,173 posts
Fizz :-)
Some cheat every year. I know a runner used a GFA time gained by having someone else run on their number the previous year.
Aug 2020
11:41am, 18 Aug 2020
3,147 posts
Little Miss Happy
Unfortunately there are always those in the world who will larkim - whatever the scenario - but I doubt and hope it would be many.
Aug 2020
11:47am, 18 Aug 2020
438 posts
What percentage of people are able to run within a couple of minutes of their marathon PB in a solo time trial?
It's essentially an impossible ask for anyone who entered with a 2018 time. Unless you happen to be a championship standard runner that hasn't joined a club so have an extra 15+ minutes or so to spare under your qualifying band.
I was in good shape in April and was running at the limit myself to get within 25 minutes of my 2019 time. Could have gone a touch quicker with a bit of fear of missing out to motivate, but despite being in form to have raced a relatively easy GFA time at that point in a race, I was knowhere near it running solo and whilst carrying my own water and supplies.
Aug 2020
12:24pm, 18 Aug 2020
3,148 posts
Little Miss Happy
I wouldn't be able to get anywhere near my PB in those circumstances Spideog - I can't manage a mile at my marathon pace in training but somehow find around a minute a mile in a race. I am one of those who has a PB about 45 minutes under my GFA time though.