Aug 2020
7:13pm, 16 Aug 2020
3,697 posts
Thanks LMH 😀
Aug 2020
7:58am, 17 Aug 2020
236 posts
I'll be doing it but not racing. Just a long run hopefully with mates
Aug 2020
10:28am, 17 Aug 2020
737 posts
I've decided to give it a miss. I really can't work up any enthusiasm for a virtual race and given my training since lockdown, I think it would be foolhardy to run (or even walk it).
I am hoping there will be some real Spring 2021 Marathons to enter so I can try for a GFA for 2022 (as I assume VMLM 2021 will be too late in the year to be used for a GFA for 2022).
Aug 2020
10:29am, 17 Aug 2020
4 posts
@Spideog Has anyone run a track marathon of 105 laps whilst wearing a GPS? How far did it measure?
no, but it would be my virtual race plan! i guess it would also matter which lane you run in?
Aug 2020
10:35am, 17 Aug 2020
11,700 posts
I run shorter races with my watch on and generally laps come out fairly well, some plusses, some minuses. Over a 3k or a 5k the distance tends to match up, so unless the track has a poor line of sight to the sky through trees etc I wouldn't be completely lacking confidence in it's ability to trace sufficient distance over 105+ laps.
Aug 2020
10:38am, 17 Aug 2020
11,701 posts
OTOH, I suppose if you submit a trace of 104 laps because it measured a bit long, it would be a fairly legitimate argument that you hadn't run the distance (though you could argue you ran in a wider lane I suppose), so it's only short measuring that would be a problem.
Aug 2020
10:41am, 17 Aug 2020
30,894 posts
I'd expect it to end up very long! 1500m ends up at about a mile for me. 5000m ended up at 3.24 for my PB which meant that it thought my 5000m was 45 secs faster than it was!
Some might be better than others though.
Aug 2020
10:43am, 17 Aug 2020
30,895 posts
If you can show you've run the laps (which you should be able to do via a segment based on the track?), then I think it would be fine?
Aug 2020
10:44am, 17 Aug 2020
428 posts
One of my points in my email back to them was about someone doing a track marathon and what would be the measurement of the distance covered. Would expect you could have several miles different distances recorded between devices on someone doing 105 laps of a track.
If their app counts 26.2 miles after 95 laps can you stop? If its only measured 22 miles on lap 105 do you have to keep going?
Might be worth doing laps of Canary Wharf as the buildings will easily cause the tracking to add on a few extra miles. Or just stand still there for three hours and see what distance it records.
Aug 2020
10:46am, 17 Aug 2020
30,896 posts
Track is a measured distance and will trump GPS for anyone that knows what they're doing. Even if you run in the outside lanes they all have a defined distance.