Aug 2020
10:03am, 7 Aug 2020
377 posts
I'd expect the entry for 2022 will be delayed until after the 21 event so can use that for GFA entry. That should in theory be easier as nobody will then have times from 2020 that can count and there may be minimal events in spring 21 so less people getting a GFA time and the cut off might not be needed.
Aug 2020
10:32am, 7 Aug 2020
11,606 posts
Looks like there's little point for someone like me even thinking about trying to get GFA now until the 2022 event. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it's a change to that annual cycle of hope / perseverance / injury
Aug 2020
1:02pm, 7 Aug 2020
35,989 posts
ive rebooked my hotel for October next year....hoping to get a defferal for that year rather than the following year
Aug 2020
1:13pm, 7 Aug 2020
3,066 posts
Little Miss Happy
I'd expect anyone that wants to defer to next year should be able to DocM.
Go for it larkim - you have two years to use it and with not a lot of racing going on this year there may be less people with valid GFA applying.
Aug 2020
1:16pm, 7 Aug 2020
35,990 posts
the wording is that they will try to accomodate our first choice.
Aug 2020
1:23pm, 7 Aug 2020
3,067 posts
Little Miss Happy
I know but as there were places for everyone this year Doc I don't see why there wouldn't be next.
Aug 2020
1:48pm, 7 Aug 2020
4,112 posts
Fizz :-)
But they’re allowing new ballot (and presumably new GFA) places for 2021.
Aug 2020
1:56pm, 7 Aug 2020
17,127 posts
Limited number of those though.
Aug 2020
2:18pm, 7 Aug 2020
388 posts
There is going to a be a limited number of people who have a GFA time run in 2019, but didn't already have a GFA entry for the 2020 event. Basically just people who ran only an autumn marathon last year and hadn't already run the time in 2018 or in the spring of 2019.
Aug 2020
2:52pm, 7 Aug 2020
1,088 posts
I'm pleased with the announcement myself.
+ Deferrals for several years + Optional virtual race if you want to sign up for that with bling.
- GFA stuff seems flaky but I don't understand that fully and it doesn't apply to me anyway!
Don't get the comment about the virtual race being a rip off "for something you've already paid for". We've paid for the main race, which is deferred.
I'm probably going to do the virtual race. I don't mind paying £20 for a marathon medal and the whole thing will be different