Aug 2020
11:54am, 6 Aug 2020
66,556 posts
Silverstone has hosted a HM, so the team there would have good existing experience of putting on a long distance race. Presumably, spectators could be accommodated to a certain degree - stands, paddocks, seats, refreshments, WCs etc.
Aug 2020
12:49pm, 6 Aug 2020
3,058 posts
Little Miss Happy
It would be nice if they'd tell us!
Good wood also host races. Closed circuits aren't difficult to find.
Aug 2020
1:00pm, 6 Aug 2020
66,569 posts
[It's just a thought - most will have ample car parking, space for WCs, changing accomm. etc.]
Aug 2020
1:09pm, 6 Aug 2020
8,046 posts
Yes Silverstone or similar sounds ideal. I had been thinking of more traditional road loops, which would be possible but probably not as good. Of course none of this is particularly "London", it would just be an elite marathon. Probably about time someone put one on though, the runners must be getting itchy feet by now
Aug 2020
1:14pm, 6 Aug 2020
66,572 posts
Without doubt, jda. I admire the considerable restraint shown by Fetchies about the dearth of racing opportunities.
Aug 2020
1:19pm, 6 Aug 2020
18,187 posts
yet again the press is jumping in before anything is said officially
Aug 2020
2:12pm, 6 Aug 2020
727 posts
Although the press leaks do seem to confirm that we won't get a race this year, they still don't answer the important question for a lot of us. Will those of us who finally got a place this year have our entries transferred to 2021?
Aug 2020
2:25pm, 6 Aug 2020
17,106 posts
Dibble. I wouldn’t worry about that as they wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.
The only possible exception may be those that had previously deferred but even that I think would be ok.
Aug 2020
2:25pm, 6 Aug 2020
17,107 posts
You may get options to defer beyond 2021 which I think Chicago did.
Aug 2020
2:36pm, 6 Aug 2020
4,370 posts
New York are offering 3 options - defer, refund or donate to charity. If we defer, we will then get asked later whether we would choose to run in 2021, 22 or 23. They have said they can't guarantee which year we will get - ie if everyone wants to run in 21, some may get allocated to 22 or 23.
Depends if they want to open the 2021 race up to new entrants (ballot, charity, gfa, champs, elite etc) or treat it purely as a deferred 2020 event.
(And thats assuming Spring 2021 will be able to go ahead!)