Jul 2020
1:18pm, 27 Jul 2020
4,367 posts
Further update published, still no decision!!
Next update 7th Aug!! Ridiculous.
Jul 2020
1:21pm, 27 Jul 2020
7,979 posts
Wow. From the tone of it, they seem to think they can arrange it in a compliant manner, but just need to get it all ticked off with the relevant authorities.
I have my doubts, but good luck to them if it comes off.
Jul 2020
1:38pm, 27 Jul 2020
3,003 posts
Little Miss Happy
This is getting ridiculous.
Jul 2020
1:39pm, 27 Jul 2020
21,861 posts
Jul 2020
1:45pm, 27 Jul 2020
17,273 posts
Getting to and from the event with masses using public transport will be a significant issue, surely, let alone the actual race itself. We were packed on train stations and on the trains with no room to move, let alone swing a cat.
Jul 2020
1:54pm, 27 Jul 2020
301 posts
Madness. I see in Brasher's statement he refers to having to consult with NHS.
In UKA'S recent details of how events can be organised it states that events should have arranged for private ambulances to be at the event, so that there is no impact on NHS resources. London marathon would surely struggle to do this so looks like they're trying to make their own rules.
I feel so sorry for those signed up to run, really they should make a decision now and not keep those runners in limbo.
Jul 2020
1:56pm, 27 Jul 2020
17,174 posts
The public transport issue is a huge one. Even if supporters aren't discouraged, I'm afraid I really don't fancy a packed train and pavements so won't be hanging over a barrier this year.
Jul 2020
1:59pm, 27 Jul 2020
4,750 posts
Windsor Wool
Are they under some sort of pressure to get this on to showcase how London / England has conquered COVID?
Their FB feed is carnage, only to be expected really. I’ll not be going now. I needed the kick up the arse ages ago to get training and it didn’t happen...
Jul 2020
2:27pm, 27 Jul 2020
35,776 posts
i think its appalling to have no decision at this point
Jul 2020
2:38pm, 27 Jul 2020
648 posts
Looks like they have cleared most paths towards holding the event apart from final discussions with the relevant local NHS trusts - probably along lines of how much will it cost them to sanitise ambulances and medical tents. Interesting that Royal Parks have announced that they have cancelled licences for ‘most’ large events using RP facilities until the end of October- thus leaving an opening for some. It wouldn’t surprise me if we see the London 10000 being held soon as a test event followed a few weeks later by the marathon particularly as the Government seem to be working on a ‘wear your masks, behave as much as you can and we might ease a few restrictions again for you’ basis that ( as I have mentioned before ) may include an easing of social distancing and a Boris Bravado big event because he thinks it is all over (which it might be one way or another as in all over the country again by November ).