May 2020
10:06pm, 28 May 2020
16,555 posts
Boston gone now
May 2020
7:21am, 29 May 2020
34,693 posts
And made virtual. Really hope they don't make London virtual
May 2020
7:22am, 29 May 2020
17,860 posts
I loved your virtual London run though Doc
May 2020
7:29am, 29 May 2020
34,697 posts
So did I but I don't want to earn my medal that way.
May 2020
8:39am, 29 May 2020
2,596 posts
Little Miss Happy
I wouldn't bother with a virtual race - it's meaningless to me.
May 2020
8:40am, 29 May 2020
11,169 posts
I'd like to hope that East coast America is different to the UK at the moment; they've had some of the worst affected Covid cities in the world (and yes, I know the UK isn't a paragon of virtue!). So there must remain some chance of it taking place. Though it does look decreasingly likely.
May 2020
9:49am, 29 May 2020
34,700 posts
good point Larkim
May 2020
12:34pm, 29 May 2020
744 posts
My expectations of London happening 4th October are very low, although until two weeks ago they were nearly zero so... (I do get a sense of people having done with lockdown now, might be just who is in my work and social circles though)
Like DocM, I really hope they don't make it virtual, or at least that places get carried over to when the race really does happen.
May 2020
12:56pm, 29 May 2020
2,597 posts
Little Miss Happy
roberton - I can't see that anything has changed other than the conditions of lock down and the chances of the NHS getting overwhelmed. The risk is the same.
May 2020
2:10pm, 29 May 2020
1,659 posts
Virtual Boston is in addition to qualifying time window being extended, so yes runners with qualifying times have to reapply for 2021 and there's a chance the cutoff may change but there are unlikely to be many additional applicants given how few marathons would have successfully taken place in 2020.
I wouldn't mind it if they offered a virtual London in addition to the mass race whenever it takes place (may need to be October 2021 rather than April), I would probably do it as an exercise in mental discipline.
If case numbers can be brought very low and we're confident we're actually detecting the majority of cases (not currently the case, but hopefully the test and trace system will work) the risk of actually catching or spreading coronavirus at a mass event would also be low so i could see mass events returning at a point when community spread is minimal. Would still need to be supported by testing and tracing and a policy of self isolation if you have symptoms.