Jan 2020
9:57pm, 15 Jan 2020
5,091 posts
Jan 2020
7:14am, 16 Jan 2020
1,888 posts
Little Miss Happy
I don't think there was the usual big Fetchpoint last year IIRC?
Jan 2020
7:18am, 16 Jan 2020
15,716 posts
Rosehip hauled along some bunting and the like but there was alas no Fetch I had a good time though and it was so cheering for me when I ran I would be sad there was no one there for anyone. Im looking forward to cheering on Carp, DocMoye, Nico, Pothunter and everyone
Jan 2020
7:24am, 16 Jan 2020
14,818 posts
We didn't have anywhere near as many supporters last year, but we didn't have as many runners either and the "team" support system wasn't necessary. Unless there are more than a couple of supporters who can get there early it's getting harder to claim a space and keep it. Whoever sets up needs a good idea of how many people will be hanging over the barriers as keeping any claimed space is difficult without the numbers. The first year I fetchpointed we were two or three deep - the last couple of years we've had elbow room to stretch out across a smaller area.
The bunting and flags fit in a smallish suitcase and are easy enough to cart around.
I'll copy this onto Min's thread - If there's to be a Fetchpoint, it needs people!
Jan 2020
11:28am, 16 Jan 2020
1,890 posts
Little Miss Happy
Maybe I was just having too much of a bad time to notice last year then:-)
Jan 2020
12:33pm, 16 Jan 2020
32,101 posts
Roberton and Mulbs are our club runners ( got places through the club draw) they are our fetch royalty this year.
I will see if my youngsters would be prepared to join the fetch gang at Fetchpoint
Jan 2020
2:49pm, 16 Jan 2020
13,687 posts
Fetch royalty lol! We are delighted and honoured to be running as Fetchies, and we represent both the speedy and the slow, I'll let you guess which is which!
Jan 2020
3:37pm, 16 Jan 2020
18,492 posts
A whole gang of Felixstowe Road Runners get to the bridge just before 13 miles at silly o'clock in the morning. They are extremely loud and cheery and will have wine. Fetchies could adopt them for the day?
Jan 2020
6:28pm, 16 Jan 2020
1,583 posts
Did someone say wine?
Jan 2020
6:34pm, 16 Jan 2020
14,824 posts
I had gin an tonic and lager and a mini bottle of cava in the suitcase last year - think it was just Flanker who partook of the gin and I drank the cava on the train home