Aug 2020
10:42am, 26 Aug 2020
11,178 posts
We’ve been looking at a route that takes in a few villages along the way so we can stop off for a drink and a snack on the way.
Aug 2020
11:01am, 26 Aug 2020
482 posts
Do you reckon two half-marathons in one day would be allowed? (I'm talking a good 6-7h break in between). Not surprisingly, I haven't been training for a marathon and my longest run has been around 13M. I'm unsure that I could do the whole distance in one go.
Aug 2020
11:02am, 26 Aug 2020
52 posts
I'm in. I get a medal in 2020 after all. Nice to get excited about a race after having them all cancelled. Just wish I had run further than Half M distance this year. Better up my game.
Aug 2020
11:20am, 26 Aug 2020
17,353 posts
I think broken runs are OK as long as you cover the distance in the course of the day.
I want to watch the elite races and not sure when they are so one option of mine is an early morning half, watch the elites and then a later in the day half.
Aug 2020
12:06pm, 26 Aug 2020
17,761 posts
I'm not sure if the distance can be broken into different activities during the day - it doesn't make it clear on the website. The nearest I can find is this:
A chance to be creative! Taking part in the Virgin Money London Marathon, your way, also means participants can be creative with the challenge that lies ahead! Ideas include:
Being dropped 26.2 miles from home and running back to a hero’s welcome
Completing each mile with a different running buddy, sharing the challenge with friends and family
Getting together with a group of friends to walk the 26.2miles together
Creating a unique course that visits the homes of friends and family so they can set up outdoor drinks stations for a refuel and catch-up over an energy bar
Aug 2020
12:10pm, 26 Aug 2020
3,203 posts
Little Miss Happy
I’m sure there was something in the FAQs about it not being necessary for it to be continuous.
Aug 2020
12:13pm, 26 Aug 2020
452 posts
They have stated on Twitter and Facebook posts that Ross Barkleys are OK, as in split it into multiple runs. Just need to do the full distance as measured by their app within the 24 hours.
They have also confirmed that method of doing things is OK in email to me by saying that it isn't OK to use that method for those looking for GFA times.
Aug 2020
12:14pm, 26 Aug 2020
11,179 posts
Does your Garmin allow you to pause, save and resume later Rascal?
My friend hasn’t run much but has been cycling so it will be a run/walk. I’ve done a few 12-14m runs so full distance will be a challenge but I think achievable.
Aug 2020
12:15pm, 26 Aug 2020
5,042 posts
Alice the Camel
I'm in. GM caught me when I wasn't properly awake and I thought I was entering yet another London Marathon ballot. "It'll be fun!", she said...
Breaking it into 10K chunks would suit me, but I do wonder if once you start the timer it'll just keep running until you finish the complete distance, regardless of breaks. It would be good to know for sure.
Aug 2020
12:20pm, 26 Aug 2020
3,204 posts
Little Miss Happy
I would expect the time to keep accumulating as they said they were going to publish results - it wouldn’t be right for someone to have run 24 x 1 mile intervals with rest in between to record a faster time than someone running/walking a straight 26.2