Aug 2011
3:56pm, 2 Aug 2011
13,249 posts
plenty of time to get blasΓ© about it
This is the first time for years I've suffered with sore feet. Usually I can do a long ultra without a blister or any soreness. This time I think it was down to a number of factors:
1. the heat making the feet hot, swollen and sweaty
2. Not running through mud and stream to cool the feet down (yes, I actually quite like wet feet!)
3. Possibly the wrong shoe choice. I used tight-fitting x-talon fell shoes rather than my usual roclite 295s. They were fantastic on the rough stuff early on, but having hot tightly wrapped feet may have backfired later.
4. Sometimes sh1t just happens!
Just blogged a summary of the good & bad points from the day.
Aug 2011
5:25pm, 2 Aug 2011
10,519 posts
Fenland Runner
In hindsight feet was my issue as well. Due to the pain, altered my gait and stressed my calves. As was proved by the fact I had plenty in the tank on the ascents but couldn't run any descents after Chapel Stile. The descent into Coniston was absolute torture, my feet were on fire
Aug 2011
5:32pm, 2 Aug 2011
156 posts
it wasn't even blisters that caused my problem - and I tend to get them fairly often, it used to be anything over 10 miles without a blister was a result
but this time if seemed as if the skin on both feet kind of slipped backwards - on my left foot I had a ridge of skin right around the heel - which seems to of sorted it self out. Problem was on the right foot where if looks like the skin right across the arch of the foot split from left to right and was pulled backwards. So now I've got a very raw area right across the foot and about an inch to an inch and a half wide - never happened to me before
shoes were Roclites in which I did 75 very wet miles in three days only about three weeks back without any problems
Aug 2011
5:56pm, 2 Aug 2011
182 posts
I wore the flite 195, awesome, feet were sore for the first half and then I forgot about them. One blister that I only found the next day. Am in love with those shoes.
Aug 2011
6:00pm, 2 Aug 2011
754 posts
You weren't out there long enough to get sore feet Vamos
Aug 2011
6:30pm, 2 Aug 2011
1,556 posts
Anna Bomb
No sore feet this time but didn't go far enough to get them however my feet were wrecked after our recce from pooley bridge to ambleside in may so maybe I was just lucky. I'm with you on the running through streams flanker, I'd much rather have cool wet feet than hot dry ones
Aug 2011
7:39pm, 2 Aug 2011
4,049 posts
yep i think the heat was a factor in so many getting foot problems . On our recce day for the 50 anna's feet were wrecked and it was red hot then.
My feet have cleared up nicely and my legs feel fine now. I''ll run again tomorrow.
Aug 2011
7:26am, 3 Aug 2011
3,421 posts
2 Flat Feet
Devoured what everyone has written, my turn next year
Aug 2011
12:33pm, 3 Aug 2011
10,880 posts
The person who came 9th has written a v long blog on fb. If u search for 'optimalnutritionforsport' and 'like' it you should beable to read his blog
He is in my running club and works at the local health food shop. He does nutrition consultations which a few people in my club have had with him when trying to lose weight whilst also training.
I think he has only been doing ultras for about a year.
Aug 2011
1:32pm, 3 Aug 2011
4,052 posts
thanks for pointing that out hellen . Excellent report and obviously a talented runner. I don't agree with ALL the nutrition stuff like i don't agree with SOME of what his friend & great runner stuart mills says but that said there is a lot of very interesting stuff in is beside being a great race report.