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Lakeland 50/100

25 watchers
May 2011
1:20pm, 10 May 2011
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I've done a fair number of the LWDA routes without getting too lost so if the road book is up to that standard it should be OK, and I'll have my Garmin for the tricky bits - what I'm more interesting in is getting a feel for the terrain and landscape.
May 2011
1:21pm, 10 May 2011
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Fenland Runner
If the clag is down while trying to navigate below Low Kop it could get very interesting :-)
May 2011
1:50pm, 10 May 2011
617 posts
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Hey fenland, see you had a good day out at the fling, say no more about my 1st introduction to a major glycemic event that put me on my arsse , will be at the lakes 100, got the Brecon 40 on 21 may and will now be having a crack at the Hardmoors 110 as its in my back yard! talking about naving the lakes, i work well with memory and map but will have a satmap! if the weather is predicted! as going clagy, then again snakes of people all going in the same direction should keep everyone on the straight and narrow. what time are you looking at!
May 2011
2:06pm, 10 May 2011
635 posts
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I am planning on running on a pre-recorded route for the 50 but I tried to run the Three Peaks on a downloaded course on my Garmin 305 at the weekend and when I pulled up the route it said I was over a million miles from the start! It's usually ok but i have had issues before. The moral of the story is aim to use GPS but make sure you can map read in case the technology goes to pot on the day! Maybe there were just strange things in the air in Yorkshire on Sunday?
May 2011
5:41pm, 10 May 2011
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Fenland Runner
himaldweller, really loved the Fling, the course, the people, the weather, the scenery, the beer at the end, the medal, the technical t-shirt (that has been worn with pride). Murdo should be rightly proud.

Last year in good visibility, runners were in all directions descending from Low Kop. In clag, as previously stated, it could be very interesting. It was very surprising that the apparent vast numbers of runners between High and Low Kop dispersed rapidly. Also at the end of July the monster bracken will provide cover.

I'm hoping for sub-13 but it is a hope, there is little contingency in that time. Getting to Ambleside in around 8 hours and then still being able to complete the course from there in five hours will be challenging.
May 2011
5:57pm, 10 May 2011
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I am aiming to go sub 13 but would really like to get closer to 12. That may well change once I've reccied the route in June though. Hitting Ambleside in 8 hrs is my target too...then it's just a case of seeing what the legs have left in them.
May 2011
9:56pm, 10 May 2011
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I am aiming to go sub 24 hours ;)
May 2011
11:09pm, 25 May 2011
3,991 posts
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I am proper panicing now - only about 6 or 7 weeks left to train
May 2011
11:14pm, 25 May 2011
680 posts
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nice race to do before Bez-head , three choices of distance plus some nice hills

May 2011
6:37am, 26 May 2011
9,986 posts
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Fenland Runner
My plan is for a huge June, then taper in July, bring it on ;-)

About This Thread

Maintained by Dogtanian
Race website: lakeland100.com

Group for anyone interested in recce weekends: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/groups-view.php?id=968

The Lakeland 50 route: ukhillwalking.com

Terry Conway (2011 L100 winner) - terryconway.blogspot.com
Stuart Mills (2010 L100 winner) - ultrastu.blogspot.com

Official Recce Days:
November 27th - Ambleside to Coniston
January 22nd - Coniston to Buttermere
April 1st - Dalemain to Ambleside
May 13th - Buttermere to Dalemain
June 23rd & 24th - Dalemain to Coniston over 2 days, stopping at Ambleside.
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