Mar 2011
1:11pm, 8 Mar 2011
1,714 posts
Roclites 315s with dry pair in the bag.
Mar 2011
1:54pm, 8 Mar 2011
3,292 posts
2 Flat Feet
Let me know Flip and I'll be there with you! I'll bring my Roclites.
Mar 2011
3:00pm, 8 Mar 2011
3,360 posts
I'm looking at dates now 2FF, mind you do attract dogs !
Mar 2011
3:05pm, 8 Mar 2011
3,293 posts
2 Flat Feet
I'll stand behind you
Mar 2011
3:39pm, 8 Mar 2011
512 posts
I've done a lot of walking & climbing in the Lakes over the years but I've touched surprisingly little of the 50 route. I'm signed up for the March reccie (Ambleside - Coniston) and the one in June, which covers the whole 50 route over two days. That should pretty much cement the course in my head but I'll also have two Garmins on the day (switching over at Ambleside) so will be able to check on those to make sure I'm on route.
On the shoe front I'm going to sacrifice grip for the comfort of my Salomon Speedcrosses. Put them with a pair of Running Bear socks and I feel more comfortable than I have any right to be :-).
Mar 2011
10:04pm, 22 Mar 2011
3,966 posts
Having a total trauma finding the right trail shoes
Might even wear my road shoes asics 1150 or whatever and have the comfort as I can't abide Inov8's and just can't find a pair that feel ok..
Doing some training on the route so will see what happens.
Mar 2011
10:13pm, 22 Mar 2011
9,374 posts
Fenland Runner
This will cause consternation in some camps but if the forecast is dry and the previous few days have been dry I'm going to wear road shoes!!!!!!!
Mar 2011
10:26pm, 22 Mar 2011
3,967 posts
Going to try Asics Trabuco?
Have worn road shoes in the past on terrain like this and been was dry though. Having done Troutbeck to Coniston I think even if it was wet I'd be ok in road shoes - prob be crawling by that point in anycase lol
Mar 2011
10:29pm, 22 Mar 2011
9,375 posts
Fenland Runner
The only two areas that could be interesting in the wet with road shoes are Gatesgarth and Garburn. The rest of the 50-mile course I don't think would be an issue.
Mar 2011
10:32pm, 22 Mar 2011
3,968 posts
Going up or down Garburn ? There's a couple of rocky bits on the way down..but I'll not be belting down and as for going up it'll be a walk haha
Never done Gatesgarth but will be soon..