Oct 2008
9:33pm, 27 Oct 2008
349 posts
got hectic few days coming up cluminating in oasis wed nite...
Oct 2008
9:39pm, 27 Oct 2008
516 posts
I was supposed to start tonight, but as usual I'm putting it off until the last minute.
CH - I got tickets for Wembley and Heaton Park next summer, don't envy you going the night before you fly!
Oct 2008
9:42pm, 27 Oct 2008
12,088 posts
I'll throw some stuff in a case tomorrow afternoon, just before we fly
Oct 2008
9:44pm, 27 Oct 2008
16,594 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
you better hope that Santababy & Hamsterboy have left enough space for your kit!
Oct 2008
9:45pm, 27 Oct 2008
12,090 posts
I evicted them yesterday
Oct 2008
8:25am, 28 Oct 2008
351 posts
Superwoman - if you still want to go for a run in CP on Friday morning, text me...
I'm meeting Stuart Henderson (from RW forum) in the lobby of the New York Helmsley Hotel (www.newyorkhelmsley.com) at 9.30am. I think we're getting the subway to CP and running the last 5km at a very gentle pace.
Get in touch if you want to come along.
Oct 2008
9:31am, 28 Oct 2008
5,151 posts
cavehill count me in! I like the sound of it of a little gentle run!
Oct 2008
9:37am, 28 Oct 2008
520 posts
Bastards! While you're taking in a nice couple of miles, I'll be on a plane.
Just had my upgrade confirmed though so it's not all bad
Oct 2008
9:45am, 28 Oct 2008
352 posts
Nice one Contro - see you at the New York Helmsley (lobby) at 9.30am on Friday morning then? Send me an fmail and I'll fire you my mobile number.
Oct 2008
10:00am, 28 Oct 2008
5,152 posts
Cave I am editing the article to add the friday morning info ... is that OK?