Oct 2008
2:56pm, 14 Oct 2008
16,460 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
What time are you looking for CH?
Oct 2008
3:12pm, 14 Oct 2008
275 posts
dream: sub 3
reality: 3hrs - 3.10
nightmare: 3.20+
Oct 2008
3:14pm, 14 Oct 2008
551 posts
Do this in Ny Italian style "You looking for a nice Italian? I know a place.. It's called Lupo on Thompson St in "the village""
Nice grub - booking essential as it does get very busy, however it's very nice and it's cheaper to eat at the bar, or was in '06..
Oct 2008
3:16pm, 14 Oct 2008
552 posts
Hello C75.... have you checked my time at the half we did recently? My number was 2808... reality check speddy gonzalez!!
Oct 2008
3:47pm, 14 Oct 2008
356 posts
Just got a call from my mate, looks like I'll definitely be upgraded on the way out there and he says there's no reason looking at the numbers why he won't be able to sort me out an upgrade on the way home too
That's cheered me up, I can never sleep on a plane which isn't so much a problem going out in the morning, but coming out overnight it will be a dream to be able to lie down and catch some sleep.
I'll be taking advantage of that free booze on the way back as well, that's a guarantee!
Oct 2008
4:12pm, 14 Oct 2008
276 posts
Oct 2008
4:14pm, 14 Oct 2008
4,903 posts
i didn't hear anything?? Did someone say something
Oct 2008
4:19pm, 14 Oct 2008
277 posts
just commenting on MF's luxurious ride to the states. v jealous.
Oct 2008
4:19pm, 14 Oct 2008
359 posts
I think he was choosing to ignore my post CH
Oct 2008
4:20pm, 14 Oct 2008
278 posts
oh right.
get it now.
i'm such a d*ck sometimes.