Oct 2008
7:18pm, 12 Oct 2008
260 posts
I read that you can. Quite pricey though. I think Fox are streaming it live online.
Oct 2008
11:06am, 13 Oct 2008
338 posts
Right, I'm trying to sort out all the things I want to see and mapping them out so I can try and work out the best way of seeing anything.
Does anyone know how long it will take to walk from say 42nd Street to 52nd Street? Or going the other way from Tenth Avenue to Fifth Avenue?
Oct 2008
11:07am, 13 Oct 2008
4,442 posts
I would like to do this next year. How does the entry system work. First come first served like Berlin or ballot like London. Or something else ?
Oct 2008
12:13pm, 13 Oct 2008
339 posts
Ballot system but only three rejections in a row to get a guaranteed place, also quite a pricey entrance fee. I think the ballot closes in June.
Oct 2008
1:33pm, 13 Oct 2008
4,863 posts
You can also get a guaranteed place if you go with an 'official' sport tour
Oct 2008
1:44pm, 13 Oct 2008
261 posts
10 blocks walking is probably about 20 mins MF. Think one block = 2/3 mins walking.
Contro - well done in Chicago. Been reading the posts. Sounds like you did very well in the conditions. What's your plan for NY? Fancy pacing me to Sub 3? LOL.
Oct 2008
1:53pm, 13 Oct 2008
4,866 posts
Thanks Cave...
For NY target will be sub 3 for sure, so I am planning probably a 1.27.30 first half and then see what happens, if I am feeling good then maybe try to PB ... if not just carry on. Although it will all depend of the recovery, i am pacing cardiff half next sunday at sub 1.30 so that will be the first test!
Oct 2008
2:43pm, 13 Oct 2008
262 posts
Happy days - you're a bit quick for me. Hoping to go through 1.29 ish and keep it up...
Good luck for Cardiff. Where are you staying in NY?
Oct 2008
2:44pm, 13 Oct 2008
341 posts
I'm not sure how to pace myself for this one, I could just set the Garmin for an average pace of between 7:00 and 7:20, or forget the watch and just run. Those wristbands wouldn't work for me I don't think, too much time worrying about the pace of each individual mile, it would play havoc with my mind if I was too slow for a couple of miles.
I'm definitely going sub 3:30, if I can get 3:10-3:15 then I'll be a happy man. My training times tell me I should do this with ease, first time marathon running could have a big say in that though...
Well done on Chicago Contro, a great time given the conditions.
Oct 2008
3:02pm, 13 Oct 2008
12,026 posts
Ooh! Is Contro pacing a sub 3 group?
Can I join in please? Hoping for sub 3 this time after fecking up at Edinburgh!
I'll make you a little flag on a stick, Contro if it helps