Jul 2008
11:10am, 23 Jul 2008
4,156 posts
Ok for me the worse things were the bridges, they are 5 of them and they are more difficult than expected to deal with. Also a lot of the ground is not tarmac but more like cement, so harder on the legs. Finally the last 3 or 4 Km are in central park and they are very undulating, so you need to have something left in the tank (which i hadn't!!), some very short but still steep 'hills'.
Jul 2008
5:36pm, 23 Jul 2008
3 posts
pants Ants
controversial - Ouch that is so close to 3:00 - you must have been gutted!
Not looking forward to Central Park - I always struggle badly in the last few km of a marathon anyway - that is partly why I am doing NY as a warm up for London - I need something to motivate me to keep doing long runs this autumn, so I have got lots of miles under my belt come next year.
What is the weather like for the race - often looks sunny, on the telly, but I assume not to hot in November? Does it get windy over the bridges?
Jul 2008
5:55pm, 23 Jul 2008
1,064 posts
paul a
It was unpleasantly hot in 05, you need to be prepared pretty much for anything. It will probably be pretty chilly at Fort Wadsworth too.
Contro is right (did I really say that?!) it is a tough course and the last few miles are tough, although the support is particularly good through CP.
Jul 2008
6:03pm, 23 Jul 2008
4,161 posts
weather last year was around 10C but quite sunny, so it got warm quite quickly. I was did the first half in 1h 29m 30s so I am not surprised i didn't managed sub 3, my experience is to be confident to be doing sub 3, you need a kind of comfortable first half in 1.28.00 and I would say specially in new york, it is a hard course. The wind wasn't bad on the bridges but i guess it depends of the year!
Jul 2008
6:07pm, 23 Jul 2008
1,065 posts
paul a
Pretty damn close though Contro.
Jul 2008
6:13pm, 23 Jul 2008
4,162 posts
since i have done boston in 2.59.56 ... my revenge
Jul 2008
12:26pm, 28 Jul 2008
59 posts
Blimey, talk about close! Five seconds more would have been an absolute killer!
Jul 2008
12:35pm, 28 Jul 2008
4,188 posts
well ... i did puke on the finish line So it was all a bit dramatic !! lol!
Jul 2008
2:52pm, 28 Jul 2008
291 posts
I did NYC in 06 in PURRFECT conditions....even pb'd which has since gone by the way.... the toughest thing I endured was the pre race wait.... our bus arrived at Fort Wadsworth at 06.30 the race doesn't start until 10.15, ok they had a nice breakfast laid on, but after a bit of that.... watch the loo queue? that was exciting, as that's where I found my first cousin.. we bith knew we were racing but couldn't get hold of each other pre race day... we decided we'd start together, and found we had the same pace, so finished it together... it meant so much to me, to have his company.... (that was the best bit...) It's one Id DEFINITELY do again!!!
Jul 2008
3:09pm, 28 Jul 2008
1,314 posts
I didn't sleep at all the night before NY last year, so even getting up at 5:30 for the bus to Staten Island didn't matter- I was already awake! I was also too nervous to eat on the morning. Predictably I didn't run the best race, but I'd still love to do it again. The crowd (and band) support alone makes it worthwhile. The bridges are hard, though, yes, especially the Queensboro, which is where I fell of from the pacer guy, and it's pretty interminable running alongside Central Park, slightly uphill, but seemingly never quite getting to it. I'd recommend signing for a pacing group, too, as it gives you some people to talk to before the race and during it if you have enough energy.