Gary Garmin is kaputt :(

2 watchers
Feb 2012
12:50am, 23 Feb 2012
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JamieKai *chameleon*
Hi there,

It's with sadness I report that my trusty running pal Gary Garmin has died. At only 30 months old, it was not yet his time, but gone he has.

But seriously... Forerunner 405, previously been working alright, the occasional hiccup but nothing major. Now however he is not holding his charge - claiming 100% battery, then running out of battery whilst trying to find satellites, proclaiming, suddenly, 0% battery.

Is this the end of the road for Gary, or is there something (anything!) that I can do? All help gratefully received!!
Feb 2012
7:05am, 23 Feb 2012
219 posts
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At 30 months, he'll be out of warranty, but ring Garmin and ask about getting him replaced. I believe they supply reconditioned units at a much reduced price compared to buying a new unit. And you'll have the comfort of knowing that Gary himself will get reconditioned, made healthy again, and will go off to help another runner who needs his support ;-)
Feb 2012
8:17am, 23 Feb 2012
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Mark J
Firstly, have you been on the Garmin Connect site and made sure you have the latest software on it. My Gary was the same when I got him second hand off eBay. He'd say he had charge and then die unexpectedly. I went on the site, updated the software and low and behold the battery issue was fixed. it is a known fault.
However, if you have the latest version of the software and Gary is still not happy, as Yorkie says, speak to garmin. My OH had hers replaced under their guaranteed fix for £50 scheme. They guaranteed to fix it for a set fee, if not they replace it. She had battery issues too, they couldn't fix so they sent a reconditioned unit instead. All good, everyone's a winner.
Feb 2012
8:20am, 23 Feb 2012
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Mine went last Oct just as you've described JamieKai. It was about 4 years old so well out of warranty period. They offered a re-conditioned unit for about £50. I asked if they would allow me to upgrade to a different model through them - response No.

In the end I upgraded to a 405CX for about £120 off Amazon, a tidy piece of kit.
Feb 2012
10:57am, 23 Feb 2012
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Garmin replaced my 405 last week for £78.50 just call them and they give you a ref number and send it in. 6 days from posting to getting a shiny new was well out of warranty and a self inflicted problem (might have cracked the screen ;) )
Feb 2012
7:31pm, 23 Feb 2012
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JamieKai *chameleon*
Thank you very much for these responses. Guess I'll hold off on the Viking-style funeral that my running mate suggested for a bit, and talk to the Garmin Mothership...
Feb 2012
7:16pm, 24 Feb 2012
254 posts
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That's interesting as my Gary did that in the week, said it was 100% charged on the track and lasted for 20 mins, rubbish! only 2yrs old, I'll update the software as Markj suggested :-) They are too expensive to replace every 2yrs!!
Feb 2013
7:08pm, 17 Feb 2013
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Resurrecting the thread for dead Garmins...

My piece of crap 210 (don't buy one, ever, even if you do think it looks pretty), has died. Came back from my run, plugged it in, it said it was saving the activity, then it went back to the time screen. It does this a lot, the connection to the upload cable is appalling, so I wiggled the connecting clip, and the screen went blank. Nothing, nada. I left it alone while I went for a shower, and it didn't wake up. I've tried holding down the lap/reset button and page/menu button (it doesn't have a power on button) and nothings happened. It was fully charged when I went out, and I was only out for just over 2hrs (felt longer), so I doubt if the battery is empty.

Does anyone have any idea what I can do please? I really want to get my run info uploaded.

Then the annoying evil useless piece of frustration is going back to Wiggle.
Feb 2013
7:19pm, 17 Feb 2013
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And the fucking Garmin support site is not working properly either. Grrrr.

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Maintained by JamieKai *chameleon*
Hi there,

It's with sadness I report that my trusty running pal Gary Garmin has died. At only 3...

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