Jan 2008
8:34am, 10 Jan 2008
829 posts
I'm not understanding the book on this one. For Friday, I want 1 mile WU, 3 miles @ 09:17 and 1 mile WD. Occording to the book I can do set it to do this but can't figure out how.
Jan 2008
3:30pm, 10 Jan 2008
1,004 posts
Chromey, If I get you right you want
1. Go 1 miles 2. Repeat the steps below 3 times
2.1 Go 1 mile. Try to keep me speed between 9:07/mi and 9:27/mi 3. Go 1 miles
Allowing +/- 10s/mi for the tempo.
Jan 2008
3:32pm, 10 Jan 2008
882 posts
Ya. That's it.
How do I input that?
Jan 2008
4:03pm, 10 Jan 2008
1,005 posts
I can mail it to you if you want and then you can just import to GTC.
FMail me you mail address if you want to.
Jan 2008
5:45pm, 10 Jan 2008
90 posts
why does sportacks log a different distance from the 305? Took 305 walking today (well took dog but wore garmin!) anyway 305 said i did 2.85 miles when entered into ST i get a distance of 2.89 (which isnt much different i know but it is diff)
also the times are different. 55.02 on the garmin and 55.17 in the sport.....thats 15 seconds which i think is a sizable diff.
any explanations?
Jan 2008
6:15pm, 10 Jan 2008
928 posts
Were you stopping it and starting it at road-crossings and so on, or using autopause? Sporttracks can work out stopped time for itself rather than following exactly what the Garmin says, which probably explains that, especially if you were walking very slowly, or stopping to call the dog back or whatever. You can change the lower limit where Sporttracks thinks you're stopped, but it probably won't matter when you're actually running. As for the distance difference, Sporttracks recalculates the distance from the points and can end up smoothing things differently from the Garmin, especially if there have been places where the signal was weak; usually the difference between the two is quite small and reflects the precision of the GPS measurement. You can tell Sporttracks just to go with the Garmin-measured distance if you want (I usually only do that when the Garmin says I've run 12.01 miles and Sporttracks insists it's 11.99, which would never do )
Jan 2008
9:55pm, 10 Jan 2008
91 posts
yes it was using auto pause i think....might turn that feature off really, not sure if its useful as when i am running i never stop really.
so which is more accurate then? should i believe garmin or Sporttracks, or are you saying they were both correct just showing different things?
Jan 2008
11:47am, 11 Jan 2008
935 posts
For the time, they're both correct but showing different things, yes.
For the distance, neither really; if they show hugely different distances, it's usually because the GPS reception was so bad that it's impossible to get an accurate distance, short of getting somebody to cycle round with you with an accurately calibrated speedo. In this case though I suspect the Garmin might have dropped a bit of distance because it thought you were stopped because you were walking so slowly, and Sporttracks has included it, and I reckon if you'd the same route, the answers from the two would have been closer. So this time I'd believe Sporttracks
Jan 2008
11:57am, 11 Jan 2008
927 posts
Sorted. Ta anyway t3d. I shall be putting it to use this eve before work!
Jan 2008
1:16pm, 11 Jan 2008
1,026 posts
cool Chromey, I expect to see a good set of stats to back up the training