May 2009
10:28am, 1 May 2009
First-time poster!!
Can anyone explain why my Garmin is so inaccurate on the track? It is great in road races etc but it always measure the track longer than it is. I did 12 laps of the track last night which is 4800 meters. My Garmin measured it as 5067 so 267 meters too long. I did run around a couple of groups but mostly I was on the inside lane. I have noticed this before and just wondered if anyone has any Idea why it would be inaccurate on the track but almost spot on on the roads?
May 2009
11:01am, 1 May 2009
10,333 posts
try importing the data into something like SportTracks. They seem to have far better algorytthms for analysing the data than the garmin itself. It will also let you see if you have any rogue data points so you can correct them.
fwiw, mine is always almost spot-on on the track.
May 2009
2:43pm, 1 May 2009
2 posts
Thanks Flanker I have downloaded sportstracks.
I'll have a look.
May 2009
1:06am, 23 May 2009
118 posts
martin run
help needed i use my 305 for months to inport my training run auto but now it keeps looking for my garmin finds it and says 0% i am lost to what i do can any one help updated all the lastest softwear to only on fetch it works fine on garmin tc
May 2009
1:23am, 23 May 2009
119 posts
martin run
Import Training From Garmin You can now grab training directly from your Garmin Communicator to fill your FE training log. If your Garmin is not already plugged in, do it now, then refresh this page. The system will automatically search your Garmin and highlights runs that it thinks you might want to upload.
: 0%
May 2009
6:24am, 23 May 2009
479 posts
I also had a problem downloading my Garmin training onto Fetch yesterday. Was able to connect and it found the sessions and was even able to get the table up as to select which runs i wanted to download and selected detail report and was able to import, but when it had done importing all i got instead of the usual notifcation was you have succsesfully imported Run - that's it, it actually did not import anything. Any ideas?
May 2009
10:49pm, 27 May 2009
122 posts
martin run
DOWNGRADE TO Garmin Communicator Plugin 2.6.2 your garmin works fine on fetch
Jul 2009
8:48am, 18 Jul 2009
2 posts
Help. went to use 305 this morning and it seems to have died. Was fine yesterday, downloaded ok charged up from PC but a non starter this morning. Plugged back into PC and no battery charging message - ideas please
Jul 2009
8:54am, 18 Jul 2009
3 posts
Oh Happy days - have just followed one of the help links and fixed it
Jul 2009
11:14pm, 19 Jul 2009
4,232 posts
happy days indeed