Foot Pain - X-ray negative - advice?

1 watcher
Oct 2015
5:03pm, 20 Oct 2015
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not built for speed

On sunday I ran the Amsterdam marathon, and at around 20 miles had a really sharp pain in my foot. Being the stubborn thing I am, I finished the race, but since then, my foot has been very sore, slightly swollen and slightly bruised.

The pain in on the top of my foot, and it is sore when I flex my toes and when i walk.

I went to the minor injuries unit and had an x-ray, which was clear, but am paranoid that it is a stress fracture.

Is it worth trying to get an MRI scan? I am concerned that if I keep walking about on it then I might do more damage!

Any thoughts appreciated!

Oct 2015
5:12pm, 20 Oct 2015
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I have a long-term foot injury. x-ray confirmed no fracture, so I was referred for an ultrasound to look for Morton's Neuroma. That also came back negative so I'm going back to doc to see what to do next, possibly MRI or possibly referral to a foot specialist.

So maybe the same route for you? But first, I would say, give it a few days to see if it calms down on its own with rest, ice and all that and then how it stands up to a light jog.
Oct 2015
5:19pm, 20 Oct 2015
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Apparently stress fractures can take some time to show up in x-rays?
Oct 2015
5:33pm, 20 Oct 2015
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Red Ant
Classically metatarsal stress fractures take 10-14 days to be demonstrated on x-rays. If you are still in pain in 10 days reattend your MIU to get a follow up x-ray. No you don't need an MRI = very expensive and after 10-14 the x-ray results will be positive if it is a stress fracture.

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On sunday I ran the Amsterdam marathon, and at around 20 miles had a really sharp pain in ...

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