Jan 2009
8:59am, 29 Jan 2009
4,130 posts
DIY Diva
Yes, wiggly one. I'm bringing the timer from RP.
Jan 2009
9:05am, 29 Jan 2009
1,451 posts
Can everyone bring the correct change for your £2.50, as I won't be carrying change!
I'll be the one jogging round the track jangling like Jimmy Saville.
Jan 2009
9:08am, 29 Jan 2009
1,452 posts
Yep, per athlete.
I've then got the lovely task of giving the club a cheque and having to spend all that change
Jan 2009
9:13am, 29 Jan 2009
242 posts
will 1p's do MF
Jan 2009
9:13am, 29 Jan 2009
484 posts
really looking forward to this, havent done a but fetch event before! Do people usually change clthes etc afterwards, or do we all go and eat, wearing our running clothes with pride??!!
Jan 2009
9:13am, 29 Jan 2009
485 posts
oh my goodness my typing is so bad
Jan 2009
9:15am, 29 Jan 2009
486 posts
sub 5.30 group: Speedie - ( Never done a mile flat out, so unsure )
sub 6.30 group: SarahL ChrisW BeerMatt Paul
Sub 7:30 group Caterpillar Thegocat surreystrider
Sub 8 group:
Sub 9.30 group: Lizzie W Bertie SherryB
[Timing-DIY D] Photos and money collecting - MoscowFlyer
Food after:
surreystrider + 1 SarahL + 1 Lizzie W + Thegocat BeerMatt + MrsB + BabyB CornishEva Bertie Paul
Jan 2009
9:17am, 29 Jan 2009
6,685 posts
Whichever you prefer Cornish. I'll probably just bring a pair of jeans to stick on and get out of sweaty clothes into tshirt and fluffy fleece. I won't be putting on my dancing shoes and sparkly top!
Jan 2009
12:44pm, 29 Jan 2009
1,289 posts
wascally wabbit
sub 5.30 group: Speedie - ( Never done a mile flat out, so unsure )
sub 6.30 group: SarahL ChrisW BeerMatt Paul
Sub 7:30 group Caterpillar Thegocat surreystrider
Sub 8 group: W Wabbit (Not done a mile on its own or on a track before, so unsure I may sneak into the sub 7:30 if im sick)
Sub 9.30 group: Lizzie W Bertie SherryB
[Timing-DIY D] Photos and money collecting - MoscowFlyer
Food after:
surreystrider + 1 SarahL + 1 Lizzie W + Thegocat BeerMatt + MrsB + BabyB CornishEva Bertie Paul
Jan 2009
12:55pm, 29 Jan 2009
12,244 posts
Can you put me in sub 9.30 although aiming for 8.00 (last one 8.10)? Anyone fancy pacing??