Nov 2011
9:53am, 12 Nov 2011
3,855 posts
Yeah glad Mr T likes his calendar I still need to order one thanks for reminder Tiggs
I have been mulling over asking Santa (not SS I hasten to add) for one since i duscovered last week just how small they are but still think I'd miss the tactile read however for travelling it would be so much easier than carting 1/2 dozen books in my suitcase. Then playing on apps store with mac I found a kindle app so checked and got kindle for my iPhone!!! Bit of a peruse & I've got myself a free book to download and I'm quite liking it so far
Nov 2011
9:56am, 12 Nov 2011
3,856 posts
Oh & McN you & me both I love body lotions gutted I was in boots other week & Cowshed was 3 for 2 last week went to buy some & offer was finished gutted
Nov 2011
10:01am, 12 Nov 2011
8,605 posts
My friend has a Kindle and loves it. I could certainly see the attraction if I did a lot of travelling, but I don't, and I do still like the feel of a book! Also they don't have a backlight, she was hoping to read in bed without disturbing her hubby, so had to get a case with a light.
Nov 2011
11:50am, 12 Nov 2011
4,274 posts
I've updated my wishlist on Amazon, don't know if anyone is interested.....
You can add items from other internet sites now. How handy is that
Nov 2011
12:40pm, 12 Nov 2011
3,857 posts
Yeah Meglet I think I'd miss the actual book & a backlight surely is a necessity??
Just been for a rather muddy run with the dogs (was fabulous) but made me wonder why most sports socks are white? I doubt these ones will even some out grey they are so filthy!!!!
I'm liking that amazon let's you add from other shops that has to be handy
Nov 2011
12:42pm, 12 Nov 2011
11,750 posts
I don't have a wish list but...
I'm trying to diet so no chocolate please I'm smelly enough already
I'm like McN in that something personal an that I can keep would be fantastic.
That was no help at all was it?
Nov 2011
12:53pm, 12 Nov 2011
8,606 posts
I think the way the screen works a backlight wouldn't work, it looks more like a black/white page than a phone or computer screen. Still not sure if I like the look of the kindle screen.
Nov 2011
12:59pm, 12 Nov 2011
4,208 posts
richmac (40 in 40)
Right thats most of my SS stuff bought, might throw some running stuff in as well, if only I know my vics sock size!
Nov 2011
1:05pm, 12 Nov 2011
10,478 posts
I'm a size 3 or 4
I have 3 secret santa pressies to buy this year. One has a colour theme, mine is purple. That vic never ever wears purple so presume not a huge fan. I'm thinking hooooooge bar of dairy milk (ok not really)
Nov 2011
1:19pm, 12 Nov 2011
9,969 posts
had a sudden brainwave and my pressie is sorted I wasn't sure about a Kindle Meglet until I got one - it really is great, except that Smallest boy keeps nicking it!