Nov 2011
8:58pm, 11 Nov 2011
14,690 posts
Mick n Phil ( The old Timers )
10 Year Alcohol FREE
Its about 10 years this weekend I think, ( close enough ) …..
I decided to give up alcohol for many reasons, - not even going to attempt to list any now ….
But I‘ve stuck to it through everything , everything that’s gone on in my life, the times I’ve been in a public house, and had the urge to have just one, but no I have not ….
I’m proud of this if nothing else …
And yes it has major benefits - in all sorts of ways …
There’s really no going back
so santa can bring me a pint of orange squash
Nov 2011
9:23pm, 11 Nov 2011
11,079 posts
Steady Edina
I'd like a veggie cook book
Nov 2011
9:34pm, 11 Nov 2011
4,272 posts
My victims pressie came today. Conveniently came in a box so I can repack and post it on
Nov 2011
9:40pm, 11 Nov 2011
8,565 posts
Debs i have aid it before but will say it again. All i want is a new Garmin. I'm not difficult to buy for
Nov 2011
9:46pm, 11 Nov 2011
11,051 posts
really feel for those who have mute victims! got a few ideas about mine, but thinking of taking a stroll in the shops next week to see if inspiration hits me.
for myself, I am still happy to receive anything, I love surprises incase my FSS wants more specific details, I do like handmade or knitted stuff, it would be quite cool to get a present that is personal, and something I can keep. if TV can inspire, I love Doctor Who (post 2005 only!), Spooks, Merlin, PhoneShop, Mongrels, tried following Wilfred for a bit which was quite cool. books-wise, last thing I read was Michael McIntyre's autobiography which had me laughing out loud. Half way through Stella Rimington's autobiography, but that was a few years ago. Tried Harakumi's or whatever his name is, book about running, uninspiring though. No wait, last book was a thriller about a hunt for lost treasure dating back to Tsarist Russia, bit of Nazi conspiracy theories thrown in, that was a good read, can't recall the name though
Nov 2011
10:15pm, 11 Nov 2011
2,719 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Mine's gone silent.
Nov 2011
10:15pm, 11 Nov 2011
3,927 posts
Just ordered the main bit of my victim's present.
I'm a nightmare for ideas, I have a December bday and am being plagued by family asking what I'd like. Surprise me
Nov 2011
10:15pm, 11 Nov 2011
3,928 posts
Oh hit return too soon, only thing I'd say is I'm not a toiletries kinda gal. I stink, LOL
Nov 2011
10:19pm, 11 Nov 2011
1,200 posts
Hope Santa is good to you all. Well so long as you have been good boys n girls this year.
Nov 2011
10:21pm, 11 Nov 2011
14,697 posts
Mick n Phil ( The old Timers )
i'm never a good boy
and aint gonna bloody start now at 53 either