Nov 2011
2:13pm, 8 Nov 2011
8,000 posts
Dear victim,
Could you please post me some hints????
Your SS
Nov 2011
2:15pm, 8 Nov 2011
3,836 posts
MM its not just about people popping by here to drop hints as to what they like/dislike but if you read their blogs, check out their buddies, read what threads they join in on & what groups they've joined you can normally find out a little bit about them and from that come up with a prezzie idea, I tend not to do hints myself... sorry santa
Nov 2011
2:16pm, 8 Nov 2011
276 posts
Have been stalking, but not really got much from that lol
Nov 2011
2:18pm, 8 Nov 2011
307 posts
Mr Alf Tupper
gg's SS should get her some trail running kit!! lol
Nov 2011
2:20pm, 8 Nov 2011
7,142 posts
Torry Quine
I'm with you GG, I'm not great at giving hints cos I love surprises, although I've given out a few on FB for the family cos they reckon I'm really difficult to buy for. I'm not btw, that said, I'm more of a chocolate slut than snob, prefering it white or milky, Lush gies me the boke, and cats are evil!
Nov 2011
2:24pm, 8 Nov 2011
3,234 posts
Cats are NOT evil. Just saying TQ LOVES cats, send her feline gifts
Nov 2011
2:30pm, 8 Nov 2011
7,143 posts
Torry Quine
Some of their owners can be evil too. But at least your cat knows it's place, Maz' one hasn't learned yet.
Nov 2011
2:31pm, 8 Nov 2011
3,414 posts
I'm with TQ, don't really do hints and stuff, but I like to think that I'm reasonably active on fetch
Nov 2011
2:34pm, 8 Nov 2011
3,837 posts
or a visit to a shrink given I willingly AND without the influence of alcohol signed up for tough guy! arrrrggggggggggg
Nov 2011
2:37pm, 8 Nov 2011
11,439 posts
Gooner (The Midnight Runner)
I should probably be talking more but for once I have nothing to say