Jan 2012
7:19pm, 8 Jan 2012
5,389 posts
Chicken Licken
OK I have only used a bit of my material, but going to make a second one of these for my chair....
I am so pleased and proud.... and feeling like I've taken over the world, thank you my FSS Chicken licken material put to very good use!! I hope you aprove!!
Jan 2012
7:43pm, 8 Jan 2012
10,653 posts
I cannot get over just how lovely my gloves are, thank you again - I've head to hide them from Eldest and The Girl already!
Jan 2012
7:57pm, 8 Jan 2012
4,781 posts
That's really lovely CL - you are very talented
Jan 2012
8:04pm, 8 Jan 2012
1,388 posts
The Scribbler
Wow CL! That is superb. What a lovely gift turned into something even more special. I wasn't your SS (hope that's not giving too much away) but if I was I'd be chuffed to bits to see that.
Jan 2012
8:10pm, 8 Jan 2012
5,393 posts
Chicken Licken
Thank you guys!! I am so proud of it!!
I never make anything for myself, so chicky is mine! and there's enough material to make another one!!
Jan 2012
7:24am, 9 Jan 2012
1,948 posts
That's lovely CL Just wanted to pop in & say that I am enjoying the book my SS sent, it's very funny
Jan 2012
11:46am, 9 Jan 2012
18,847 posts
I very much enjoyed my SS chocolates And when I've made a *thing* with the wool (likely to be a hat and/or mitts), I shall post a photo
I worked out who one of our SSs was fairly easily (and if I'd send someone pressies *that* good I'd have popped in a couple of subtle clues to my identity too), but I didn't let eL Bee! see the outer wrappings so he has no idea.
CL, that's a gorgeous piece of sewing.
Jan 2012
1:02pm, 12 Jan 2012
2,207 posts
I at last have an update re my SS present, which I hadn't received.
The postman just rang and handed OH a plastic bag with some items in it. These had been recovered from the Thames (I'm in London, just over a mile from the river). It looks as though one of posties went, erm, postal before Christmas and threw away a whole load of mail. Now that it's been recovered, Royal Mail is (I guess) fulfilling its contract to deliver!
So I'd like to say thank you very much to my SS for the thoughtful book, though as you can imagine it's in a bit of a state to say the least having spent a few weeks underwater (still sopping wet!).
Jan 2012
1:04pm, 12 Jan 2012
18,891 posts
Bloody hell, sallykate, *that's* something that you don't expect to happen
Jan 2012
1:04pm, 12 Jan 2012
10,669 posts
OMG SK - that's shocking