Dec 2011
1:47pm, 28 Dec 2011
2,298 posts
i have to admit i think i know who my ss is because when my pressie arrived early december i was baffled it wasnt wrapped and came from amazon or somewhere so i rang the number on invoice and asked who ordered it- they gave me a name - i put it into facebook and oops 2 mutual friends both fetchies...then i kind of figured out who it "could" be from the name though im not 100% sure....but tbh it didnt enter my head it could be secret santa pressy as it wasnt gift wrapped- regardless of that i LOVE the pressie is was a supermum family organiser and ive already added all my 2012 races to it so thank you !
Dec 2011
1:58pm, 28 Dec 2011
7,431 posts
Torry Quine
I don't know who mine is. I did look at the postcode buy I've not had time to track them down yet. My computer t home is out of action and doing it on th phone is not easy or fun and u like the whole fun-ness (gotta be a word) of SS. Mine did a great job.
Dec 2011
2:03pm, 28 Dec 2011
8,944 posts
I saw Meglet kissing Santa Claus
My victim will know its me I reckon!
Narrowed my Santa down to one of two or three people...
YGM, I have an inkling who the knitter might be from the knitting thread, but not completely sure.
Dec 2011
2:20pm, 28 Dec 2011
18,733 posts
Raptors Claws are coming to town
Be aware that REALLY sneaky SSs wouldn't be careless enough to use their local post office, and might even swap parcels with other SSs
I deliberately threw the postcode out without looking.
Dec 2011
4:09pm, 28 Dec 2011
4,709 posts
LOL You lot are a bit devious I think I've narroed mine down to maybe 3 people
Dec 2011
4:12pm, 28 Dec 2011
4,549 posts
I think I know who my SS was this year. There were certain bits of information that I joined the dotted lines up to
Dec 2011
4:32pm, 28 Dec 2011
10,548 posts
I haven't got a clue who mine was - just the way I like it
Dec 2011
4:43pm, 28 Dec 2011
32,619 posts
Sorry I haven't posted on here yet about my present. I was away over Christmas.
I got a handmade crocheted Christmas tree decoration and a crocheted brooch (is that how you spell it?) They are both lovely. The decoration is on the tree now, was put up when we got home. Thank you SS
I am fairly certain I know who my SS is.
Dec 2011
5:00pm, 28 Dec 2011
4,085 posts
I am guessing my santa is to be seen hanging around Fetchpoint.... but which one of you I am not that sure..... post Xmas stalking perhaps although I'm with HB and like the secrecy
Dec 2011
5:19pm, 28 Dec 2011
2,864 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
If my victim did some stalking they'd probably identify me from the postcode. I have no option but to post from where I live since the post office near work was demolished. The only other Fetchies near me aren't active posters and I sincerely doubt they took part in this. I did consider taking it to post at an XC race, but didn't know where there'd be a post office in the vicinity that would be open on a Saturday afternoon.