Dec 2011
11:42am, 25 Dec 2011
1,453 posts
Thank u SS a fab box of goodies, hand warmers, smellies, tri-belt and edibles. Perfect mix of practical and indulgence xx
Dec 2011
11:48am, 25 Dec 2011
18,722 posts
Raptors Claws are coming to town
eL Bee! is driving now, but I was there ... he got a bicycle bell with a bee on it, a brilliant book about bike-type matters, and a voucher for the Leaky Piddler which will have burst the budget all by itself.
BAD Santa! BAD BAD Santa! Thank you!
And he had no idea
Thanks to everyone who kept the secret for me xxx
Dec 2011
11:48am, 25 Dec 2011
12,579 posts
Thank you to my secret santa a rather cute rabbit which you can put in the microwave (its not real) but its perfect for warm hugs and some energy gels
And thank yo geordie claus for the organisation of it all
Dec 2011
11:55am, 25 Dec 2011
16,275 posts
Pretty Purple Baubles
Thank you to my secret santa They are a total star and I fear blew the budget! I hae a lovely chocolate lindt teddy bear and some fabulous arm warmers Thank you so much and MERRRY FETCHMAS!
Dec 2011
12:00pm, 25 Dec 2011
3,982 posts
This must be the page for extravagant santa's, thank you SS for my super thick, spidey sticky gloves (Nike running gloves with padded/grippy bits) and two bags of haribo. Merry Christmas. Glad my SS peep posted and liked theirs.
Dec 2011
12:28pm, 25 Dec 2011
3,034 posts
Im Dreaming of a Jambomo Christmas
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,!!!! I love my Secret Santa pressies - I got a lovely pair of earrings, a zombie version of Pride and Prejudice (one of my fav books) some fab running socks and a lovely lush bath ballistic I have had a bath with the ballistic already! Thank you very, very much xxx
Dec 2011
12:39pm, 25 Dec 2011
25,188 posts
Foxy Davy
Merry christmas to you all
Some great gifts there
Dec 2011
12:47pm, 25 Dec 2011
11,398 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
Yay! Fab stalking here too. I got lovely fruity truffles from Hotel Choc, some berry flavour Shotbloks (my favourite) and a Ron Hill LED light for tears runs.
Really pleased my victim liked my silliness too
Happy Christmas xxx
Dec 2011
12:49pm, 25 Dec 2011
4,681 posts
thank my FSS well stalked! I don't often put anything on here about my of malt whisky but now I have a wee bottle of one I've not tated before and books and maps of whisky walks/runs thank you so much!
& a hooooge thank you to Geordieclaus for being a fab organiser!
And *nearly* as good as receiving is the response my victim has posted, I've come over all glowy inside!
Dec 2011
12:54pm, 25 Dec 2011
173 posts
Merry Christmas everyone!
Thank you Santa, you did some excellent stalking: I got a nano cache for setting my own geocache and a chocolate Yule log. I can't wait to set my cache, I will let you know when I've done it!
Thanks again and thank you Geordie Claus for organising Just got to wait and see if my vic likes their pressie now ...