Dec 2011
10:51am, 25 Dec 2011
17,487 posts
eL Bee!
Totally unexpected - incredibly generous - and couldn't have been better. Brought a very big smile to this face :o)
Top work by my Very Secret Santa
And Geordiclaus - you are a 'spook' aren't you! If not you should be!
Dec 2011
11:05am, 25 Dec 2011
1,518 posts
Thank you to my SS
Lovely lovely socks (definitely the right size!) and a CD that we've played this morning cos we always do Christmas songs/carols as we're opening the pressies
Good stalking and great gift-giving
Thank you and a Merry Christmas to you all, but especially to Secret Santa xxx
Dec 2011
11:06am, 25 Dec 2011
4,519 posts
A huge big thank you to my Secret Santa. You stalked well! Each year I collect one or two special Christmas treee decorations and our tree is becoming, over the year, a very personal memory tree. SS has just added two more very specail decorations and more happy memories. Thank you so much
I have put them near my decorations from Alice the Camel when she was in Qatar, the one I bartered for during my visit to China, my bag of medals from last year's SS and the wooden carved nativity scene Mr GM and I bought for our 1st Christmas together.
Everyone seems to be getting excellent presents - well done elves - and thank you so much to GG for being a fabulous FEtch Santa once again. Merry Christmas everyone
Dec 2011
11:08am, 25 Dec 2011
442 posts
I got a fab Adidas arm wallet/phone holder - I do like plenty of options of where to put my bits and pieces when I go out, so that's perfect for me. It felt a bit uncomfortable at first until I realised it was full of lollies
Thank you Secret Santa:)
Dec 2011
11:10am, 25 Dec 2011
38,098 posts
plodding hippo
Morning Thank you Secret Santa!
what a thoughtful present a vinyl ofJames Morrison and a lovely lemon for my gin! xxxxxxxxxx
Dec 2011
11:29am, 25 Dec 2011
18,721 posts
Raptors Claws are coming to town
My SS absolutely ROCKS! A pretty little bag of posh chocolates, two balls of alpaca wool (possibly from Paul's lovely alpacas) and a novel I will love. Thank you Brilliant stalkery xxx
I feel a bit guilty about having sent my victim soap, toothpaste and deodorant, but if you don't post ...
Dec 2011
11:31am, 25 Dec 2011
2,854 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Thank you Secret Santa! I got a book about Goth, and by some stroke of luck I don't already have it. I think my SS has been stalking my bookshelves!
And some super noodles, which made me laugh. I'll have to eat those this week before I get into marathon training and go dairy free again.
My parents thought it was very odd that I was getting super noodles for Christmas!
Huge thanks to Geordieclaus for organising!
Dec 2011
11:35am, 25 Dec 2011
3,151 posts
mrs shanksi
Merry Xmas everyone
I am very very happy with my secret santa gift, it was the first pressie I opened too! My SS stalked me well. I received a map of the West Highland Way and a Nail Art set which I can't wait to use! It has glitter and a special pen for drawing on your nails so you can make them all bling Perfect as I have long fingernails. A gorgeous card too. Thank you so much SS, and GeordieClause too. Will hopefully post photos later on but kids are begging me to help them build the lego!
Very pleased that my Secret Santa victim has already posted and says they like the gift. It was a pleasure, glad you liked it xxxx
Dec 2011
11:36am, 25 Dec 2011
591 posts
Nicki Noel Miles
Love my pressies, thank you SS xx
Bath fizzers to use in my new bath in my new house, and pretty candles to have on to make it even more lovely relaxing
Dec 2011
11:39am, 25 Dec 2011
8,931 posts
I saw Meglet kissing Santa Claus
So what was your present eL Bee? You can't leave a teaser at TOTP and not tell us!