Dec 2011
7:45am, 25 Dec 2011
1,254 posts
Flibberty Jibbet
For organising it all! (pressed send before id finished!)
Dec 2011
8:26am, 25 Dec 2011
42,406 posts
merry xmas everyone
thankyou so very much to my SS, i truly my new knitted west ham gloves
Dec 2011
8:27am, 25 Dec 2011
42,407 posts
woohooo the picture even came out ...get me
Dec 2011
8:29am, 25 Dec 2011
4,928 posts
Merry Christmas.:) Thank you to my ss. Loved the chocolate Santa. Already eaten him. Also a lovely parker pen. Will use it at home. If I take it to work someonewill try & pinch it!:o Too nice for work. Off on my hols now see you in the new year...:)
Dec 2011
8:34am, 25 Dec 2011
8,928 posts
I saw Meglet kissing Santa Claus
Merry Christmas everyone and particularly big thanks to GeordieGirl for stirling work as Santa
Thank you very much to my SS, who has successfully stalked me on the craft thread and got me an amigurami crochet book, a hook and some yarn. Love them, the book is great and one i havent seen. Projects for after crimble
Dec 2011
8:53am, 25 Dec 2011
5,343 posts
Chicken Licken
My secret Santa!!!!! You were one clever bunny chicken licken fabric! Was the most fantastic thing!! seriously I loved it!!!!!
And my chamois cream! I'd never heard of that before.... Really lovely card too .... My ss... Thank you. Not just saying that really, really pleased!!
Geordie .... Thank you for taking the time out to organise and arrange this for us!!
Happy Christmas x x
Dec 2011
8:53am, 25 Dec 2011
1,118 posts
Thank you to my FSS for a hot water bottle and a foot pampering kit! They clearly remembered when we had no heat last month!:):)
Dec 2011
9:03am, 25 Dec 2011
1,554 posts
Well my FSS pressie was the first thing I opened Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes and a really cool waterproof money holder thing which will be very useful! Thanks so much SS
Dec 2011
9:03am, 25 Dec 2011
1,054 posts
Wow thank you secret Santa!
A lovely card, some ace running socks, two bags of Percy pigs and a lovely book for mini-slowfish.
Thanks! xxx
Dec 2011
9:19am, 25 Dec 2011
164 posts
Good Queen Weasie
Thank you so much SS!!!!! My desktop Dalek is amazing, can't stop smiling, and Tia Maria fudge must be the most perfect food ever invented, and to top it off a box of matchmakers, thank you, thank you, thank you xxx.