Dec 2011
1:44pm, 19 Dec 2011
42,393 posts
nothing from the postman today
Dec 2011
3:11pm, 19 Dec 2011
1,450 posts
It's here!!
Box collected from the PO, think my secret santa has bought me a new pair of trainers
Had to laugh when at the sorting office after a wee rummage the bloke says, do you know what it is, Amazon or something?? I thought carefully for a minute on how it might sound if I said I had no idea possibly a package from a random stranger from a site I frequent on the internet who's identity is a closely guarded secret...........................
And just shrugged and said possibly a present???
Dec 2011
3:14pm, 19 Dec 2011
4,023 posts
lol TR sometimes its best to smile sweetly and say little, I remember once trying to explain to someone that I was meeting a guy in a field to do some running, I didnt know & had met him through the internet.... he was legit but it does sound a tad dodgy
but maybe it lead me to be a bad santa as no parcels in geordietown today :(worryingly I'm waiting for quite a few parcels so at some point the postie will turn up laden down with all the boxes, eek!
Dec 2011
6:08pm, 19 Dec 2011
10,500 posts
The First NOweLLL
Got mine today wrapped up gawjuss 2 parcels so excited :):):):)
Dec 2011
6:19pm, 19 Dec 2011
276 posts
labwalking in a winter wonderland
That's brilliant tubby runner
Dec 2011
8:55pm, 19 Dec 2011
13,023 posts
Ultra Kazzaaaaah!!
GC, not as bad as explaining to people that I was spending Christmas in a remote cottage with two people I'd not met in real life and only knew via the internet! Even harder to explain when I got home that one of them left after a day so there were only the two of us. A rather surreal experience!
Dec 2011
9:10pm, 19 Dec 2011
2,840 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Yeah, I've had to explain to my parents that I was going to stay with someone I'd never met and had only spoken to on the internet. It sounds quite dodgy when you think about it!
Dec 2011
9:10pm, 19 Dec 2011
4,026 posts
the wonderful virtual world in which we thrive, lol
Dec 2011
9:16pm, 19 Dec 2011
1,249 posts
Flibberty Jibbet
Nothing received here yet although I am also waiting for a few parcels so hoping they all come at once!
Dec 2011
9:19pm, 19 Dec 2011
3,321 posts
Star x
lol - I went away with 4 male fetchies that I had barely met to a remote scottish highland hideaway under the guise of hill running
I didnt tell my mum about that!