Dec 2011
8:23pm, 16 Dec 2011
1,170 posts
Jon_two turtle doves
No Prodding, Squeezing or general groping of SS pressies before the 25th!!
Dec 2011
10:03pm, 16 Dec 2011
4,450 posts
Oh now you tell me - I quite like groping. Present has pride of place under the tree I daren't take it out of the jiffy bag though, in case I spoil the surprise!
Just over a week to go
Dec 2011
10:12pm, 16 Dec 2011
8,892 posts
I saw Meglet kissing Santa Claus
Mines out of the wrapping, but only as the exterior was slightly damaged (interior untouched, don't panic Santa). Two wrapped items and a card that contains spoiler apparently.
Having tried as a child to peek through wrapping paper, being disappointed at what was inside, and finding Christmas day a letdown, I never try to guess any more!
Dec 2011
10:35pm, 16 Dec 2011
11,352 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
*sits on her hands*
Dec 2011
10:55pm, 16 Dec 2011
11,261 posts
not got my present yet *looks longingly at letterbox*
posted my victim's present this week, will just update the the spreadsheet now
Dec 2011
9:44am, 17 Dec 2011
10,795 posts
Still no sign of pressie here. Had my works Christmas lunch and secret santa yesterday. I drew the short straw and my santa was an older gentleman who's new to the office and hardly ever there. I was sorely disappointed with my pressie I have high hopes for FSS as last year was most excellent
Dec 2011
9:50am, 17 Dec 2011
504 posts
Just updated spreadsheet, Appologises for delay, Pressie arrived this morning *clapping hands excitedly*
Dec 2011
10:22am, 17 Dec 2011
3,249 posts
Star x
EP - works SS can be a minefield - we stopped our one a few years back but someone decided this year to do it again. I didnt join in though - the years of poundland handbags, or a Brides and Weddings magazine (I have never ever been proposed to - someone thought it would be funny!) just put me off - so was bah humbug to it!!
Dec 2011
1:08pm, 17 Dec 2011
2,831 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
My work one was rubbish too. I got a tacky santa mug with marshmallows in it and some incense sticks that had clearly been previously opened. Not particularly thoughtful from someone who should know me quite well!
Dec 2011
1:11pm, 17 Dec 2011
4,008 posts
it amazes me how bad work SS can be... and that people you work with can be so thoughtless and cruel. At least (hopefully) FSS makes up for it
still nothing arrived here, I think Santa knows I'd be prodding at it so safter to arrive later he he. On the plus side the part arrived for my car this morning so Mr GClaus & my brother have fixed it - YAH!!