Nov 2011
9:28am, 17 Nov 2011
8,641 posts
I guess it's up to you how much you ultimately spend, but as WL says that's part of the fun trying to stick to a budget. At work we do £5! That's fairly tough.
Nov 2011
9:33am, 17 Nov 2011
3,269 posts
Yeah I'm up for people spending as much as they want (!) but I hope my SS doesn't get her/his hopes up cos I'm a little tight this year (we have plenty charity begins at home scenarios). So a tenner it is. I think I can do something fairly decent for that
Nov 2011
9:40am, 17 Nov 2011
1,264 posts
The Scribbler
I've got a small gift that I hope will make my victim smile and an idea for a very inexpensive treat, but I really need to think of something decent to go in the parcel. I've had a few thoughts but my vic isn't giving much away and I like the challenge of making this something personal.
Nov 2011
12:20pm, 17 Nov 2011
2,939 posts
I think a bit over is ok, the traditional £5 doesn't get you much these days, no matter how creatively you look at the problem
Nov 2011
12:23pm, 17 Nov 2011
1,271 posts
Wriggling Snake
and again
My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, I was watching a program about creation records the other night and that is missing from my collection, rathe oddly. Actually a nice compilation would be good. New Order's Substance as I seem to have lost that, or greatest hits. Southern Death Cult Killing Joke's Nightime, I went to play that theother day and the cd case was empty, blast it. Hugh Johnsons Pocket wine book 2011 Gavin Maxwell's Harpoon at a venture, could be hard to get that.
I alod like the look of the Men's Health exerices book, but it is a tenner and big and heavy
Nov 2011
12:52pm, 17 Nov 2011
2,675 posts
I think I've found the perfect gift for my victim
Nov 2011
1:02pm, 17 Nov 2011
1,274 posts
Wriggling Snake
gee thanks windassited, what did you get me? Actually no, don't tell me, I want a surprise
Nov 2011
1:17pm, 17 Nov 2011
20,625 posts
My victim has gone awol
Nov 2011
1:38pm, 17 Nov 2011
3,284 posts
At a push, I am willing to accept AWOL gifts with no home
Nov 2011
2:17pm, 17 Nov 2011
1,082 posts
Mine did that too John, you just have to stalk more, its amazing what you can find