Jan 2012
8:52pm, 9 Jan 2012
242 posts
After promising to take care of my husband's (Bedlam_g) entry to this race I completely forgot, then got stuck in traffic and then when I got home and remembered it was full He is on the waiting list but it is pretty long at the moment. If anyone has second thoughts about this race or something comes up that means you cant run then I would be most grateful if you would consider transferring your entry over to him. Please Fmail me if you have a place you no longer need. Many many thanks from a wife in the bad books tonight
Jan 2012
9:00pm, 9 Jan 2012
5,559 posts
Hope you can find a place for bedlam_g, dd!
And, seeing that we're on it, once bedlam_g has got his place and in case anyone else has to withdraw (though hopefully not through injury or anything else unpleasant!), my friend would love a place, too. She is place 50 or something on the waiting list because buying shoes for the kids took longer than she had expected...
Jan 2012
9:02pm, 9 Jan 2012
12 posts
It's probably of no comfort to you or your hub dd but the Entry List was full within 50 minutes of it opening at 5pm and took most folks about 25 - 30 mins to process their entries due to the demand. Good Luck with the waiting list etc. and hope you're not in the dog house too long
Jan 2012
9:17pm, 9 Jan 2012
864 posts
I tried to get on at 5pm and couldn't even get into the site, it seemed to have siezed up. Eventually when I did get in it was full and there was 50 odd folk on the waiting list! Hey ho.
Jan 2012
10:44am, 10 Jan 2012
347 posts
dd I always have second thoughts re this race but usually I just need to man up and get on with it ...Seemed to be a total lottery yesterday.....I couldnt get in straight away and when I did Irealised i had forgotten my password had to send for a new one and had to sit and watch the race fill up....when i did get my new password around 5:30 I got in straight away and was ssigned up by 5:37 but there was only about twenty spaces left by this point..
Jan 2012
10:01am, 26 Jan 2012
245 posts
Just posting on this to *bump* it up. Anyone having second thoughts on Carnethy 5? I beleive the last time we can change over entries will be this weekend (as it says 2 weeks). So if anyone has a place and now cannot make it for whatever reason my hubby bedlam_g will happily take it off your hands. He is still on the official waiting list but has heard nothing so far Many thanks folks!
Jan 2012
5:52pm, 26 Jan 2012
1,120 posts
hope you get your place
Jan 2012
8:04am, 27 Jan 2012
247 posts
Thanks JaneyM I hope so too...or he will be really disappointed
Jan 2012
11:50am, 31 Jan 2012
353 posts
Was speaking to an HBT runner at the parkrun on Sat who just got a place of the reserve list so there is still hope
Feb 2012
12:06am, 1 Feb 2012
248 posts
Fingers crossed Lexo! Any ideas where the HBT runner was on the waiting list? Its frustrating not knowing if you've got no chance or if they are getting close to your number!