Aug 2013
3:08pm, 30 Aug 2013
15,868 posts
just found this in my inbox - may be of use for Cambridge people Progress are an off shoot of the Spire Lea and their fees are comparable - I think I paid £40 for 30 mins physio or thereabouts. The whole clinic is overseen by Prof Speed who was Team GB medic in Beijing
Have you suffered a sports injury in the last 7 days?
‘Drop in’ Rapid Access Sports Injury Clinic Monday evenings 4.30pm-8pm at Progress
Part of Spire Cambridge Lea Hospital, Progress operates from a state-of-the-art facility in Cambridge and is an advanced
sports medicine and physiotherapy centre assisting in treatment and rehabilitation using some of the most advanced
technologies available to support recovery and improve performance.
From Monday 2nd September, Progress will offer a specialist Rapid Access Sports Injury Clinic with our Sports Injury Specialist
Doctor. Following your consultation you will receive your treatment plan; this may include a session with a physiotherapist or
other tests such as a scan or xray.
With no appointment necessary you can simply ‘drop in’ to the clinic
Some of the injuries treated include:
Ankle sprain
Achillies pain
Muscle pain
Pulled Calf / Hamstring
Tendonitis – including golfers elbow and tennis elbow
Groin pain and groin strains
Shoulder pain
Acute back pain
Acute neck pain
Twisting injuries
See attached leaflet for further information or click here
*The Rapid Access Sports Injury Clinic treats musculoskeletal sports injuries within 7 days of injury.
Excludes head injuries, wounds and fractures. If your injury is over 7 days old you are advised to rebook
into a consultant’s clinic. Fees apply.
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Spire Healthcare Limited is registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 01522532. Registered Office: 120 Holborn, London EC1N 2TD. Spire Thames Valley Hospital Limited is registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6526032. Registered Office: 120 Holborn, London EC1N 2TD. Classic Hospitals Limited is registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 5384616. Registered Office: 120 Holborn, London EC1N 2TD
Aug 2013
3:47pm, 30 Aug 2013
60 posts
Useful-thanks Hellbells!