Back Problems - Degenerative Discs

1 watcher
Jul 2011
10:01am, 21 Jul 2011
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ok, I have a problem. I've had months of bad backs keeping me away from running and the results of my MRI have me more than just a little bit worried. I'll try and summarise (appologies for non medical knowledge):

- Bulging disc at L5/S1
- Small tear in disc L3/L4 (I think)
- Dehydration in Discs (presumably from the tear)
- Narrowing of the discs & Signs of Degenerative Disc Disease
- One of the vertibrae is out of alignment, can't remember which one. near the bottom, sacrum area ish.

So, according to physio this is nothing to worry about. The bulge will go in time. The vertibrae can be solved with a programme of core work etc. And the degenerating discs are nothing to worry about, Quote: "just get some cushioned shoes so it's less impact when you heel strike" :-0

The major thing I'm not entirely comfortable with is the degenerating disc. I can't find much on the internet that is targeted towards impact sports and degenerative discs. Should I be giving up running or what, i'm genuinely a bit shitting myself.

For the record i'm 33. Weigh 12st and have pretty crap posture. Desk job. Capricorn. And cat called Jasper.

Anyone got experience or medical knowledge in this area.
Jul 2011
10:09am, 21 Jul 2011
9,739 posts
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Everyone's discs are degenerative, they are shock absorbers and start wearing out as you start walking. They heal to some extent, but over time they start to show signs of wear and tear. With a sensitive enough examination you will find signs of this in anybody over the age of 30.
The question is whether they are causing symptoms or not, and it sounds like they aren't.

Physio is right. Core work will help you load the muscles rather than the bones.
I dare say somebody will be along to point out that you should try to avoid the heel strike soon. You may have already tried this, but it really could help.
Jul 2011
1:09pm, 21 Jul 2011
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cheers Johnny :-)
Jul 2011
1:17pm, 21 Jul 2011
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plodding hippo
I think I replied on your other threaad
Jul 2011
7:40pm, 21 Jul 2011
431 posts
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Yes Hipps, and thanks it was much appreciated. I set up the thread twice cos i put it under 'chat' the first time by accident.
Jul 2011
8:04pm, 21 Jul 2011
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plodding hippo
Dave, if you scanned 100 people over 30 , you would find abnormalities in the discs of a good 40%, if not more.Not all have symptoms

you keep running
the core stuff is impoortant to keep you well for the future, nit just for runing, but in general
Might be worth you looking at what seat you sit on at work and so on
sone occy health depts take back pain very seriously, its a major cuase off time off work
Jul 2011
9:27pm, 21 Jul 2011
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I've got a great chair at work, employers were really good when I had leg problems a couple of years ago, I'm just not sure I'd ever set it up correctly until recently. Leg problems were caused by dodgy hips and posture (hands up if you spot a common theme with my past injuries).

I got a second opinion today from a private physio I'd spoken to previously. He basically confirmed what you all said. I'm so relieved it's not the end of my running days, for a moment I thought I'd have to take up swimming *shudder*
Jul 2011
9:39pm, 21 Jul 2011
35,746 posts
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plodding hippo
well, hey, its nice we all agree
Jul 2011
9:48pm, 21 Jul 2011
433 posts
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Definitely :-) & thanks again.

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ok, I have a problem. I've had months of bad backs keeping me away from running and the results of ...

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